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Once upon a time, there was a girl.

That girl is just a simple normal girl who loves someone.

And that someone, he also love the girl.

They were a happy couple, a normal couple.

But one day, a new girl has appeared.

She's so pretty and the heroine befriended her because she thought that the new girl is nice.

But she's wrong. Because that new girl is a very bad girl.

Why? Because she seduce the heroine's boyfriend and the boyfriend became her lover.

And she bullied our heroine. She always bully the heroine.

But one day, the heroine found dead in their room.

She was shocked because she didn't expect that her minions will kill her.

And the heroine's ex-boyfriend, he got mad to the new girl.

Later on, he broke up to the new girl. Because he realized that he still love the heroine but he's too late.

The heroine's gone.

Or so they thought. Because one lady saw the heroine's body and she saved her.

But the heroine's not a normal girl now..

She has the power of four elements and she's back to get her revenge.

But what if she will meet her ex-boyfriend and her ex-friend in her school?

Well, maybe she needs to be prepare for the new obstacles now.

Because she's the girl that holds the four elements.


ERIS: The Ice QueenWhere stories live. Discover now