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Luke pulled up to an old light blue three story Victorian house. I stared at it in awe as he slowly went up the dirt driveway to the gravel spot at the side of the house. To say the house was beautiful was an understatement. It was simply amazing in every way. This was going to be the house I will be living in. I couldn't believe it. I heard Luke chuckle from beside me, "Do you like the house?"

"Yes. It's stunning." I replied as I kept starting at the house.

"It is. Luckily Alex was able to get it when his father died. It's been in his family since it was built. I think it was built in 1879, so hopefully you aren't afraid of ghosts." Luke said as he got out of his car.

I got out as well, going to the driver's side to try to get my duffel bag but Luke wouldn't let me take it. I looked back at the house, "Is it really haunted?"

Luke chuckled, "I've lived here since before you were born and have not seen any sign of ghosts, so you're safe. I was just making a joke because the house is so old."

I gave a shrug as I followed him up the back porch steps. It wouldn't bother me to live in a haunted house. I think it would actually be pretty cool. That is as long as the ghost wasn't evil and didn't try to murder me or anything. Luke lifted my suitcase with ease as he walked up the five wooden steps onto the back deck, painted white and fading from weather and wear. He unlocked the back door before nodding his head, letting me know to go inside in front of him. I took a few steps into the house. I was in what I assumed would be a mud room on the side of the kitchen. I looked into the kitchen to see everything being white. White cabinets, white marble counter-tops, white brick walls, and a light brown hardwood floor.

A guy who looked to be in his early twenties, with long brown hair and dark blue eyes was leaning back against the island counter drinking out of a black mug while looking at his cell phone. This must be Kellin. He saw me out of the corner of his eye and turned his head to look at me. When he saw me, he dropped his phone and the mug he was holding, which shattered and spilled red contents all over the floor. I took a step back as he stared at me in awe, bumping into Luke. Luke put his hand on my lower back, "That was my favorite mug, Alex."

This is Alex? He doesn't look old enough to know my dad, or be friends with Luke. Then again when I asked Luke how old he was he told me he was thirty-four, which is far from the twenty-four I thought he was, so maybe Alex is older than he looks. Alex stared at me for a minute in shock before running to me and pulling me into a tight hug. Luke still had his hand on my lower back, as if he was trying to comfort me. Alex pulled away from the hug after a few minutes, making me feel very uncomfortable.

"Oh my god, Avery! We've missed you! I can't believe you're really here. How are you? How have you been?" Alex asked in one breath before pulling me into another tight hug.

I turned my head slightly, hoping he would notice how uncomfortable I was and let me go. Luke dropped my suitcase down on the floor, making me jump slightly and making Alex let go of me. "You read her file even though you weren't supposed to, you know how she's been."

Alex looked over at Luke as he rolled his eyes, "Paper doesn't tell me anything. I want to hear it from her."

I looked down at the hardwood floor as Alex looked back at me and gave him a small shrug, "I mean, I'm alive. I don't remember anything before a few years ago. I guess because I'm alive I've been okay."

Alex placed his finger under my chin and pulled my face up to look at him. He was giving me a little smile, "You are alive, and that means a lot to us."

Luke picked my suitcase back up, "Let me give you a tour of the house while Alex cleans up the mess he made."

Alex shook his head and rolled his eyes before turning around and picking up the broken cup, sliding his cell phone into his pocket in the process. Luke walked past me and I quickly followed him, worried Alex would pull me into another hug. We came out of the kitchen and to a staircase that had a slight curve halfway up. I followed Luke up the staircase, "Do you want your old bedroom back, or a new bedroom?"

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