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I chuckled as the three guys were singing along to the song on the radio. Honestly, I liked the song and all three guys sounded amazing, but they were acting like children. This behavior was something I expected out of Cody, but not from Luke and Alex. Madison danced in her seat to the song while Cody and Luke were dancing in their seats around me, knocking into me here and there.

"YOU LIEEED." Everyone in the truck screamed at once, even Madison, which made me jump. I honestly wasn't expecting it. Sure, this song had a bit of screaming in it but I didn't expect everyone to scream the lyrics at once.

Luke noticed I jumped and he gave a small laugh as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him like a caring father would, "Sorry, Avery. This is the kind of stuff you need to get used to."

"It's fine. I was just off in my own world when all of you screamed." I replied, the song ending.

Madison clapped, "Ooh! Play another Silverstein song!"

Before Alex could respond, Madison grabbed his phone from the drink holder, unlocking it, and going into his music. She went to the next song, which started out with screaming. I made a mental note to download Silverstein when we got home. Cody ran his hand through his hair, trying to fix it up from the head banging he had done, "I didn't peg you as someone who liked good music, Madison."

Madison turned around in her seat to pinch Cody's cheek, "There's a lot you don't know about me, kid. Alex and I met at a Real Friends show that I went to by myself because no one would go with me."

"Which Real Friends show? Alex has seen them a lot." Cody asked as he swatted Madison's hands away from his face.

Madison leaned her head on the headrest, "The one at Zydeco a couple of years ago. I wasn't going to miss my faves."

"Mads, turn around before you get carsick." Alex said as he tugged on Madison's arm to get her attention. I imagine trying to get a drunk girls attention is a lot like trying to get a two year olds attention, which is hard. Madison rolled her eyes but obeyed, turning around and sitting in her seat correctly. Cody leaned forward, "Wait, your favorite band is Real Friends?"

"Yup! I've seen them seven times AND met them three times. A friend from high school introduced me to them." Madison replied as she drummed to the fast beat of the song on her legs.

Who is Real Friends? I haven't heard of them before. Maybe Luke played a couple of their songs for me on the way here. Luke pulled his arm from around me, making me realize he had been holding me for a few minutes without my body protesting or freaking out about physical touch. Maybe my body knows he's my only family and has accepted him. Cody folded his arms across his chest and leaned back into the seat as the song ended, "I don't believe you."

Madison picked up Alex's phone again and went through his music before stopping on a new song, ending the random song that had just started. The new song was a slower song, but it was nice. I leaned my head down on Luke's shoulder. I had a very eventful day. I was adopted, brought back into my family, and learned about my past. To say I was tired was a bit of an understatement. Luke reached his hand over and gently grabbed my hand, making a warmth spread through my chest. I could get used to this life. It's almost like something I've dreamed before.

After a while, I felt the truck stop and turn off. I didn't want to open my eyes. I was comfortable on Luke's shoulder. He sent this feeling of contentment through me, it made me happy. I didn't want to be separated from Luke for a while. I heard seatbelts clicking as well as doors being closed, but I wanted to stay with Luke. It was silent for a few minutes before I felt myself being lifted up into strong arms. I opened my eyes as Luke closed the truck door with his left shoulder.

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