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"Are we in Dad's room?" I asked softly, my voice almost coming out in a whisper.

"Yes." Alex said from in front of me.

I shook my head again. I didn't think I was ready for this. It feels wrong. I'm not ready. I could feel tears coming to my eyes, but Alex squeezed my hand tightly, "It's okay, Avery. Open your eyes."

"What are you doing in here?" Kellin asked, his voice coming from behind me. I squeezed my eyes closed more, letting the tears that were forming fall. I didn't want to accidentally open my eyes and see Dad's room until I was ready. Alex pulled me into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me, "I was going to show Avery the wedding pictures."

Kellin chuckled, "You want to give her nightmares?"

A wedding wouldn't give me nightmares. If anything it would give me ideas. It would give me a longing for something that can't happen. Seeing pictures of Kellin and I getting married, or fake married, as kids would probably make me start to like him. And that's something I can't let happen.

"Come on, your wedding was adorable." Cody said.

"It wasn't real." Kellin replied, "Y'all just catered to our wishes."

I couldn't stop myself from biting my bottom lip to stop myself from crying. Even Kellin doesn't want us to be a possibility. We were just kids of the opposite sex, probably pushed into it by my dad, Alex, and Luke. It didn't mean anything.

"And that's why you keep a copy of the wedding kiss in your room?" Alex asked.

Wait. Kellin has a copy of our wedding kiss in his room? Hayley must have seen it and either figured out it was me or was told it was me. That's why she doesn't like me. I turned around and forced myself to open my eyes and look at Kellin. Alex let his arms drop from around me. Kellin was leaning against the door frame, his blue eyes staring into Alex with an annoyance. Cody was standing outside the room in the hallway, a small smile on his face.

"Is that why Hayley doesn't like me?" I asked softly.

Kellin shook his head, "Hayley has never seen that picture. She also hasn't seen the picture of our first kiss-"

"Hayley is just an insecure little bitch who is constantly jealous." Cody said, shrugging as if it was something everyone knew.

Kellin rolled his eyes as he turned his head to glance at Cody, "I hate to say it, but Cody is right. She's the same way to everyone. She even hates Madison for the sole reason Madison stays here the majority of the time."

"Then why date her?" I asked.

Kellin gave a shrug, "She knows something about me and is using it against me."

I rolled my eyes. Really? He thinks some secret he doesn't want anyone to know can ruin him. How low. "You don't want a secret about you to get out so you stay in a relationship with someone you clearly don't like?"

"Hey, she's smart." Cody said as he gave a chuckle and elbowed Kellin in the side. Kellin rolled his eyes, "Basically. You'll find out about it soon enough."

Alex cleared his throat from behind me, making Kellin look over at him, "I think you three should start the first Lord of the Rings movie while I get a bunch of pictures together for Avery."

"Why are we watching Lord of the Rings? Did I miss something?"

Cody turned to Kellin, "Avery doesn't know anything about them. We have to educate her."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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