Their Eyes

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A misty blur of memories

A silver doll of serenity

Its eyes

A shattered screen of black and white

Where is it? Where'd it go?

I frantically search around

Its voice screams, pleading to be found

Painfilled cries,

They're impossible to ignore

Where is it? Where'd it go?

A river of tears pooled at my feet

Oh, she was ever so sweet 

Like flowers

She bloomed in my heart while others wilted

Where is it? Where'd it go?

Overturned logs littered the earth

My face devoid of any mirth

I'll die

To be forgotten like I did her

Where is it? Where'd it go?

"Release me, release me, release me"

Scattered debris suddenly parted like the Red Sea

Broken, hidden 

Lay a stone box emitting strange powers

It's here. I have found it.

Gently the lid is removed

"My darling you're no longer entombed"


Where is it? Where has it gone?

A golden ring of memories

A lost diamond remedy     

Soul departed

For what was left was an empty husk

My darling, where has it gone? 

The light in your crystal eyes 

Will no longer outshine the stars in the sky

Mentality eaten

Dissipating without her smile, her warmth, her love

My darling, where has it gone?

The heart that only beat for me,

Soft lips that tasted of chai-tea 

I'm lost

As you continue to stare with sunken eyes

My darling, where have you gone?

A/N This took so long to write so I hope you enjoyed it! It was originally for an English assignment but the teacher never asked for it so I never finished it....until now! Some parts might be crappy or over repetitive so my excuse for that is, we had to have a repeated line in the task and yeah...I hope you like it anyway =D

Also, if you can find the hidden message in the poem comment it and I'll tell you if you were right. Anyway, I should stop rambling. Bye! Until my next poem!

229 WORDS (excluding author's note)

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