Magical Things

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"The world is full of magical things waiting for your wits to grow sharper"  -Bertrand Russel

When you squint

What do you see?

I see watery layers of fabric

Mystical creatures swimming between the lines

Delving deeper into the mist

Wading into the royal blue waters

Whimsical lights surround me

Shimmering fish come to greet me

But there is a darkness lurking

Taking the form of our fears and doubts

The water bleeds a poisonous black

The creatures run and hide

Leaving none behind

I'm running away

Yet I find myself swimming deeper into the bay

Bubbles rise from the depths

Currents sweep through my hair

A crack runs across my chest

From within, a monster jests

My endeavours were fruitless it seems

For this creature was inside me all along

Merely another creation of my corrupted mind

The water ripples

Draining out into thin air 

The heavy mist unveils

A path to home

I follow it, watching the trees sway on both sides

The monster following in stride

I know I can't return

Lest I let my demons loose on an underserving world

But sometimes,

I swear I can feel cool water wrap around my feet

Hear the beat of dragon wings

See a flicker of fins

And strangest of all

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