Lonely Little Light

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what the hell's his problem?  ryan thought to himself, watching the taller man walk away. he also thought that he had seen him before...in some sense. hell, even if he hadn't seen him before he already knew he was attractive.

what the fuck, ryan? he's just a rich asshole. his inner, more rational, voice spoke to him, he knew it was right, ryan seaman doesn't care for attractive nimrods with the most gorgeous blue eyes he had ever seen.

he sighed and saw the mist rise, it was november afterall, for fuck's sake! but ryan knew that, one way or another, he was going to have to find a job and try to get a place to live in, because, i don't know about you, but ryan didn't really fantasize about getting hypothermia.

he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and started walking to nowhere in particular. having spent almost 4 months on the streets, he still had no particular place to sleep ; he wouldn't dare getting involved with groups of other homeless people. the way he saw that was that if you spend too much time with people in similar situations, you become like them and you won't feel a need to find a home because they'll be your comfort zone.

now, that may seem like a broken ideology, but ryan wasn't falling for that again, the last 'comfort zone' he had was his group of fake friends. y'know what he would fall for, though? that sexy tall, blue-eyed rich mcbitch.

that man was definitely the human embodiment of a fall out boy song - easy to fall in love with, attractive structure and probably some sad fucking story behind him. 

having lost himself in his ideologies and crappy metaphors, he hadn't noticed the fellow human he had pretty much walked into.

"oh fuck, i'm so sorry," ryan began apologizing,

"nah man, it's fine. you alright? your hair's rad, though," the shorter person began rambling

ryan would've laughed if he wasn't so drained, "i'm fine, just homeless y'know? and ya, hair dye's fun but i guess you've realised that by yourself," he replied, gesturing to her own, light green hair.

she returned a smile as she ran her hand through her hair, "you going to stay anywhere?"

"well, the hospital waiting room is my private suite,"  he replied with a smile.

"well my place can offer you a shower and an actual bed?" she questioned,

he really couldn't decline, a bed and a shower seemed like a luxury to him. even if it was a middle aged man, who owned a van and had a neckbeard offered that to him - he'd still reply with yes. 

and that ended up being his answer, but of course, it was after asking her name.

the name she goes by? eden. it seemed to suit her, a unique name for a girl who wasn't a basic hoe. ryan liked that, he liked her. 

she was slightly rich, but she wasn't like that dick.

coming to think of it, ryan had definitely seen him before. 

his name, though? it wasn't clear in his brain, but he knew that it was something with a 'd'. perhaps, daniel?

he didn't know but decided that that had no relevance to his life, right?

well that's where ryan seaman had made a mistake.


sorry for the short chapter, this was way more of a filler, i guess 


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