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tuesday finally rolled around, and eden stood in front of her hallway mirror ; scrunching up her hair with some gel. 

"hey, man, where ya going?" ryan inquired, over the week he had spent living with eden, she became somewhat of a confidant to him.

"just meeting up with this guy i met, name's dallon or something?" she explained, racking her brain to try to get his name correct. ryan bit his lip, dallon sounded like a name he had heard before; perhaps he knew him? 

he dismissed that thought when he realized that dallon, sure enough, was a common name. it'd be delusional of him to think that he just knew this dude eden was meeting, if he was high and/or drunk, he'd probably be stifling a laugh at himself.

what can be said? ryan had a different sense of humor; a little yellow bus kind.

"you sure he's not a dog humping maniac?" he asked, flashing a quick grin. she leaned over to grab her phone from the rack that stood in the hallway, "are you talking about yourself, ry-ry?" she replied, knowing that he hated the nickname, "good ol' daddy eden's gotta go, ry , don't burn down this apartment or i'll sell you to a dog humper."

after she had left, ryan went over to his room, just to scroll mindlessly through tumblr on eden's mac. most of the time, he'd just be an inconvenience to people online, therefore, he decided to do just that. as he was trying to find someone whom he'll rain his online wrath upon, his eyes caught onto a post with a familiar face.

that asshole being the one and only dallon weekes.

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