Confessions Aren't Always Meant To Be Fessed

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dallon peered anxiously at the sleeping woman, lying beside him. he knew that if she awoke, she'd be asking all sorts - ranging from, "where are you going?" to, "are you having an affair?" and then if he hadn't answered to her satisfaction ; she'd hit him.

therefore, he just prayed to some god that he didn't believe, that she would stay in her slumber state as he stood up from the bed.

he stood in front of the doorframe of his conjoined bathroom, before deciding that using another one would be a more logical choice. as he waited for the water flowing out from his shower to fog up the room, he texted eden.

dal - 4:20 down jaded road, are we still on?

he bit the inside of his lip, awaiting the response.

weirdo - ys, jst hrr bc dptd sm hmlss chd ;}

dal - using vowels is always a good choice

he got into the shower, demented with the thought of what she meant by, ' adopted some homeless child.'

but did he really care? nah.

he felt the warmth of the water cascade down his back, running into some of his slight cuts which made him cringe. he thought of himself as lucky, that they were in a concealed part of his body ; easy to cover and would never expose the truth to strangers and 'friends' who didn't really care.

despite all the faux affection given unto him by strangers, he still felt cold. he had always understood that no 'fan' really loved him, they just loved the idea of him. it was a voice of reason always prescribed to him by his parents, to keep him down to earth, they excused.

probably also why they'd always seemed to take out their frustrations on him when he was still young, it might be a conspiracy as to why dallon always seemed to be unbothered by abuse. afterall, abuse made him feel wanted in a fucked up twisted way.

he stepped out of the steaming stream of water and turned it off, drying himself off with some wet towel he had seen abandoned on the floor. after wiping off the fog off the mirror, he looked at himself. his tired expression and dark bags from under his eyes had proven to him that late night activities and sleeping pills were eating him alive.

he styled his hair, deep in thought when he was interrupted by a thud to the door and a shrill voice, a shrill voice belonging to no one other than allie. in a hurry, he had put on his black jeans and ramones tshirt ; pushing allie away and racing to the door, not before he had grabbed his car keys.

a sigh of relief was all that he could muster, after he slid into his car and started driving it further from his apartment complex.

"hey AstroTurf, how's it going?" he greeted the shorter woman with a grin, "oh, you know, not much, you not punk mormon asshole," she rejoindered.

"i'd have you know, i'd be punk if my mom let me," he responded, faux offended.

they made conversation about all kinds of dumb things, it felt freeing to dallon after all those years of being stuck with uptight, frivolous dickheads. it was a pretty rad experience for him, despite making him envious of being deprived a normal upbringing and relationships.

he felt his phone vibrate in the pocket of his black jeans, he knew she'd be pissed but he didn't mind for once.

"y'know, dal, we could head back to my place. it's getting dark and i'd mind if you got mugged," she cut off dallon. 

he really didn't have the heart to protest and that's why he drove while she navigated him to her place. to dallon, her housing complex was pretty standard for a slightly-richer-than-average university student ; not someone in a relevant underground band.

she opened her door and let dallon in, as he was occupied taking his shoes off, he heard eden greet someone.

"dallon, this is ryan, ryan - dallon," she introduced.


 {a/n - so the peasants finally meet after like 6 chapters, what d'ya ya'll think? - xodyl}

all the boys // weekmanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن