Bad Side Of 25

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his mind was filled with thoughts about him, him being the boy who had handed dallon his car keys. those dark browns had him mesmerized, he'd trade baby blues for them.

by saying that, he meant exchanging his girlfriend for a random homeless guy. he'd probably have a better personality, anyway. afterall, he didn't seem to be a materialistic bitch, leeching off someone.

he sighed at himself, wishing he could just get her of off his case - but he couldn't. it was an almost impossible task to complete, every other time he had tried, she guiltripped him into staying. filling his mind with pathetic ideologies of how she wouldn't cope without him and how she'd truly change this.

that's another reason he hated himself for staying. surely, if anyone truly loved him, they wouldn't hurt him? he never understood her, the night before she'd be embracing him, stroking his hair and reminding him that she loved him but in the morning she'd punch his gut. if she was particularly angry at him, she'd fucking deck him in the jaw, abusing his face and leaving bruises all over his face.

there was a slight scar above his eyebrow, from when he was drunken beyond his 15 years and tried to leave her bedroom after she had fallen asleep, she awoke when he had almost exited the bedroom door - viciously coming over him with a broken vodka bottle.

even then, with his bloodied face and small shards of glass under his skin, he covered for her, telling everyone he had just gotten too drunk and fell asleep on the bottle. his white lies made everyone think that they were high school sweethearts, that were going to be together until death parted them, probably would get hitched young and have kids.

that was what terrified dallon. he begged the god he hadn't ever believed in to not allow him to cave in, allie and himself were doomed from the start and he'd hate himself for marrying a slut he didn't love. allie had taught him so many naughty things, she scared him to death, too. (a/n if you haven't noticed, i'm referencing allie by patrick stump lmao)

"hey, allie? i-i'm back!" he greeted, of course he wasn't looking forward to seeing her again, but he just didn't want her to become pissed off again. "i need to tell you something, babe," she greeted him back, in a overly-fake voice.

he bit his tongue and just flashed her a fake smile, followed up by a, "sure, darling,"

she took his hand in her own bony, long one ; leading him to the island counter in the kitchen. "so, dal, since we are engaged and to be married in july in italy, i want a kid," dallon almost sighed out loud, of course he didn't want to marry nor have a child, ; only reason as to why they were engaged was after she threatened him after he tried to break up with her.

"don't you want to wait after the wedding, allie?" he said, in an attempt to get her to post pone the thing, or better yet, forget it. she looked pissed off for a minute, before sucking in her lips and answering with an even faker, "great idea, dallon!"

he was sure that it was sarcasm and that he was about to be hit, so he shut his eyes and waited for her hand and his face to meet. to his surprise, they didn't.

instead, she just walked away, he sighed in relief, quietly. pulling out his phone, he decided that he needed to text patrick. he was never going to let allie bring in a child into this mess.

daldo - trick

daldo - tricky

daldo - vaughn

daldo - fedora man read 23:48

he awaited his reply impatiently,

stump - what's up dal? i'm kinda busy...

daldo - it's allie

stump - holy smokes, should've have said straight away,,, what's wrong?

daldo - shes tryna guilt me into having a kid with her read 23:52

dallon licked his lips in anticipation, worrying that allie would snatch his phone.

stump - you really need to quit her

stump - seriously, no one will believe her accusations

stump - she's going to ruin you if you don't get away

daldo - you know she's not going to call off the engagement

stump - unless you make her so shocked to the point she does

daldo - what do you mean?

stump - 'cheat' on her with a man, let her catch you sleeping with your 'lover' ;)

daldo - i'm not pretending that you're my fuck buddy

stump - no, not me. know any other guy?

dallon bit his lip, before realizing something.

he could find that man again and hand him a pretty paycheck for ruining his 'relationship'. only thing he had to do was find him again, he couldn't thank patrick enough for that idea.

however, one problem lingered in his mind - how was he going to find him again?

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