Don't Know Which Way I'm Going {CONT}

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ryan looked straight into the taller man's bright blues, feeling the awkward atmosphere around the trio. dallon ran his hand anxiously through his light brown hair, trying to somehow introduce himself once again.

"you still think i'm going to steal your car, dumbass?" he inquired,

"that was a one-off, for fuck's sake." he replied, in aghast.

nonetheless, the atmosphere was made even more awkward with both of the men still trying to argue against their first time being encountered.

dallon attempted to get eden's attention ; just so she could get rid of the shorter man in question. but of course, that never worked, therefore he just tried to apologize - not because he wanted forgiveness but because he needed the vibe gone.  

"all apologizes, peasant," he retreated ironically.

the younger man couldn't hold back his slight laugh, i mean it was obviously unfunny but when you're uncomfortable and awkward, you'll squeeze the hell out of any opportunity given to rid of it.

dallon couldn't help but smile, he couldn't lie to himself, this man was the most gorgeous man he had ever seen. if only, if only he wasn't engaged.

but, by then he had realized, he could be the devastator of his relation with allie.

all he had to do was confess to him, but he knew that wouldn't sound right. you see, if you had just met a man, no matter how gorgeous, you probably wouldn't just inquire and pay him to be your pretend boyfriend. so he had instead realized that he was going to have to require him to meet him some other time ; just to talk, get to know each other and all that, ya know?

"yall want to sit down, or something? i kinda just need to fix my makeup..? aha." eden had asked, awkwardly as ever ; making up some phony excuse. but, it had worked since they did in fact go and sit the fuck down.

"for a model, you sure seem average," ryan 'complimented', "hell, i just thought that you sucked dick behind the scenes or something," he added. sure enough, that may seem like a dick move ; but ry hadn't done anything like that in forever and he needed to 'blow off steam'. this time, however, the 'victim' wasn't an awkward high school attendee, but a frontpage  model that he had found attractive. 

what can be said? they always say to kill your darlings. and if ryan wasn't going to have him, he'd berate.

just because he was a total asshat.

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