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[Time Skip ; Practical Exam]

Sighing softly, I had changed into my hero costume. I had a skin tight body suit that exposed my back to allow the tentacles to come out, while I had a mask that covered my mouth only. For shoes, I had skin tight boots that ended in my thighs.

"Wow! You look so cute (Y/n)!" I heard Mina tell me, making me look at her.

"I don't think so, considering the fact that you made yourself look an alien." I giggled out, smiling slightly.

"I think you do look cute, (Y/n). I mean, you don't have to really wear much, considering that your quirk does have a form of it's own." Jiro pointed out.

Scratching my cheek, I looked down. "Y-Yeah.." I suddenly felt insecure about my quirk. I hid my left arm with a jacket as I put it on.

"There you go, Jiro! You made her insecure!"

"I-I didn't mean to!"

Leaving the locker room, I had closed my jacket as I left to the bus, not really wanting to talk to anyone. I haven't been able to get rid of the fact that Todoroki was my first kiss. I got flustered the moment I had saw Todoroki sitting next to me. All I could do was look out the window.


I jumped slightly, turning around to see Todoroki looking at me. "Y-Yeah?"

"About the kiss.. I want to say that I'm sorry. I should've told you as soon as you woke up from the hospital."

"N-No, no! You're okay!" I stated, shaking my hands. "It's my fault! I didn't know what came over me! I'm sorry if I harassed you!"

"It's alright, (Y/n)." Todoroki placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and immediately relaxed. "I can promise you that it's okay."

Nodding, I had sighed, looking at the ground. With everything at U.A, there's also the funeral I have to plan.. I'm honestly stressed.. I have to also raise money for the ceremony. Feeling fingers running through my hair, I had leaned into the person's touch, not caring at the moment. Father.. Mother.. Please rest easy.. I thought, sleeping the rest of the bus ride.

Izuku's POV

Looking to my right, I saw Todoroki's fingers running through (Y/n)'s hair. It angered me seeing that someone was doing that to (Y/n), but I relaxed seeing the stressed look on her face turning into a peaceful one.

"Deku, you shouldn't worry so much.." I heard Uraraka tell me. Turning around, I nodded.

"I know, but I can't help it.. After everything that happened, (Y/n) no longer uses her quirk. I think it's too much for her to handle. But, I can't interfere. She's still grieving." I looked down. "I just have to believe that she can over come this.."


"Todoroki, you're teaming up with (Y/n)."

My eyes widened, and looked towards the two. Seriously?! (Y/n) won't believe in herself if they work together! I thought, worried to know if the two will pass. "Mr. Aizawa, I don't think it'll be wise to have (Y/n) with Todoroki." I stated, raising my hand in the air. I have to see if there's another way for her to be with me!

"What makes you say that?" Aizawa asked, glaring at me.

Shrieking, I started to shake a bit. "I-I-I jus-just wanted t-to say t-that cons-considering wha-what happened with he-her brother—"

"—Midoriya, we understand that you're worried about (Y/n). But you cannot treat her as if she's your sibling." I was cut off with Nezu walking towards me. "She is in good hands, I can assure you. Todoroki and (Y/n) will be against Aizawa, so I'm sure that your teacher has something up his sleeve."

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