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Everyone from our class were outside of (Y/n)'s and Yuri's house. The police were everywhere, getting everyone's account. Aizawa never left (Y/n)'s side, since he saw the state she's in. Never once did we see (Y/n) move her body on her own. We were only able to see her face, seeing how dull her expressions were.

"Man, this sucks! How long is this gonna take?! We need to cheer up (Y/n)!" Kirishima yelled, frustrated.

"We shouldn't push it onto her, Kirishima.. She's gone through enough.." Yaoyorozu sighed softly.

"I hope she's okay.." Mina said, worried about (Y/n).

"I have never seen her look so defeated.. It's so weird since (Y/n) is cheerful." Kaminari added.

"Yeah I know.. It's hard to believe this is the (Y/n) we know." Sero commented.

"Everyone, please.. Keep your comments to yourself.. Midoriya and Bakugo are here.." Iida stated.

"Oh right.. Sorry.."

"It's okay.. I'm just a little numb right now." I smiled slightly, signaling them that it was alright.

"Damn.." Kacchan groaned, scratching his head. "Why didn't she call one of us..?"

"She is still in shock, Bakugo.. I believe she is still trying to process all of this.." Tokoyami said.

"He is right. That seems to be the case." Shoji added.

"Midoriya, what do you think about all this? Ribbit." Tsuyu asked me.

Unable to come up with a immediate answer, I turned to see (Y/n) being covered by a blanket to over her. "We should try to be there for her.. I can't really say what I think about everything since I was close with Yuri, I do think that if we can then we should do whatever we can to make (Y/n) feel better." I said.

"What was she like, Deku? (Y/n)'s mom - Yuri." Uraraka asked.

"Yuri was the opposite of (Y/n) in a way.. She was extremely quiet, but also extremely caring."

"She was also pretty damn strong." Kacchan added. "Yuri may have had trouble recently due to her condition, but she pushed through it because of how strongly she felt about her family."

Understanding what Kacchan was referring to, I nodded in agreement. "You can say that again.."

"Even with the body being dead, her mom was pretty hot." Mineta commented, only to get hit by Jiro and Hagakura. "I'M SORRY!"

"Pervert! That's (Y/n)'s mom! And she's gone! You shouldn't say anything like that!" Hagakura yelled.

"Look, Mr. Aizawa is coming with (Y/n)." Tsuyu pointed towards her right, causing everyone to stop and look at them.

(Y/n)'s body was extremely tense. We should tell how much was hurting her to let it hurt us as well. "Listen up. There will be a bus coming here to take everyone of you back to the class. I have to make sure everything is processed since this is a family of a pro hero so evidence is crucial. In the meantime, I'm going to ask you all to look after (Y/n) until pros come by the classroom. The school's been notified about the current situation and allowed you to have tomorrow off to collect yourselves. Am I clear?" Aizawa explained.

"Yes sir." Everyone agreed to the terms.

"Go along, (Y/n)."

Nodding slightly, (Y/n) walked towards us slowly. She ended up standing next to Todoroki's left side, who was quiet the whole time. We all looked at the two, seeing her rest her head on his shoulder.

"You think she's saying she's cold?" Sato asked, breaking the silent between all of us.

(Y/n) nodded again. "Alright then. Take the time that you need." Todoroki said, looking down at her.

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