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(Author's Note: Listen to BTS LOVE YOURSELF; Answer I'm Fine as the fight starts. I wrote the last two chapters in representation of Save Me and I'm Fine.)

It's been awhile since the death of Yui..and (Y/n) still isn't the same. If anything, she's worse than before. She isn't eating - just working out. But even then, it would be rare for her to come out of her room.

Knocking on her now permanent room, I had some of (Y/n)'s favorite snacks scattered in a bag. "(Y/n)? I have snacks that you'd like." I said. No response. Sighing, I looked at the floor, seeing the half eaten food my mother made for her. At least she's eating.. But this isn't healthy.. "(Y/n), please open the door.." At that moment, (Y/n) opened her door, showing me her fake smile. Not letting others worry about yourself again.. At least that's coming back..

"Izuku.. Can I go back to class? I feel better.." (Y/n) asked. As I looked closer, I saw she was ready in her U.A uniform.

Smiling sadly, I nodded. "Yeah.. Let's go before we're late.."

(Y/n) walked out of her room, leaving it opened for a split second. At that second, my eyes widened from the destruction on the walls. Just what happens..when I'm at school..? I thought, walking outside our shared house to go to school.

As we entered the class, everyone looked at (Y/n), but Kacchan was the only one who hugged her, taking everyone by surprise. "We were worried about you, (Y/n).."


"—It's 'Kacchan', you damn idiot.." Kacchan cut off (Y/n). "We're going on our internships today.. You have to pick your hero name and go home.. You're not ready to be back." Moving away from the hug, Kacchan sat back at his desk, leaving (Y/n) to look at him.

"I'm fine.."

"No you're not."

"But I am—"

"—YOU'RE NOT FUCKING FINE! STOP SAYING BULLSHIT LIKE THAT!" (Y/n) eyes widened as the two looked at each other. "You always say that so others don't worry about you.. AND THAT PISSES ME OFF!"

"So what if it's true..?" My eyes widened as I see (Y/n)'s usual happy face become dull. "I rather not have people worry about a fucking demon.. Everyone seems okay with that, so I continue.. So just fuck off.."

"(Y-Y-Y/n)..? Wh-What happened..?" I asked as she hung her head.

"Sorry.. I'll just go back home.."

"(Y/n).." Uraraka mumbled.

With that, (Y/n) left the room, leaving all of us to look at Kacchan. "Why did you talk to her like that..?" I asked.

"Shut up, you damn nerd.."

"You and I both know that she's like that because she hates the pity she's given! She's not the little girl we used to know!" I yelled, my anger getting the best of me. "She's different, Kacchan.. No one can change her.. Accept it.." I looked down.

"How was she when she was little, Deku?"

Sighing, I sat on my chair and smiled sadly. "She was how Kacchan is today, just a lot wilder. Despite her not having a quirk, she'd still fight with Kacchan. (Y/n) would also protect anyone who would be bullied based on their quirk. She was genuinely a protective and kind person. But.." My smile faded away.

"But what?" Todoroki asked.

"She'd be abused by her father - Shadow. Damn bastard hurt her because she didn't have a quirk throughout her life." Kacchan answered, slamming his fist onto his desk. "The next time I see him, I'll kill him.."

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