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Credit: doodlesomestories on tumblr

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
"A little too worried aren't you, I'll go easy-" he chuckled. This was enough to fuel my anger. But I was too late ,
He had spun me around so that my face faced the wall. His body pressed against mine. I began to struggle , anxiety filling me even more. I gritted my teeth this would be one of the worst situations , hell I'd even consider myself slightly asexual.
I embraced myself for the upcoming hell which was about to start.
"Get the hell away from me!" I snarled with a shaky voice , he gave out a chuckle.
"-If I'm not mistaken , I think the kind lady told you to get your filthy hands away from her" a stranger spoke.
"I fuck any cheap slut I want- now beat it" the perv replied.
Silence was concentrated in the heavy atmosphere, I felt myself being completely useless. The stranger most likely left me to suffer. I shutted my eyes tightly And embraced myself for what was coming next but nothing came.
Opening my eyes I saw the "Saviour" jab something into the creeps body. I was too disturbed and frightened to even bother about what on earth could it have been. Anxiety filled me completely up as my knees began to weaken, i was alone and afraid this one night.
Hell if I was completely honest I would've killed to see the two of them actually fight , The creep fucking deserved this shit. Blood spurted on to the mans chest as he had most likely nearly got knocked out by another blow to the face ... disgusting.
I dashed off towards my place and didn't look back. My knees were weak and I knew for sure if it wasn't for that one person I would've gotten it for sure. I rushed inside locking my place and closing the blinds , I saw Momo confusingly watch me from afar.
"Don't look at me like that Momo- we'll be fine , im just a little paranoid... as usual" I sighed kneeling down towards her , petting her , she nuzzled her face into my legs.
Jamie's pov :: { basically third person }
Jamie smirked to himself seeing Y/N dash off scared, and absolutely traumatized . He averted his gaze to the man choking out his own blood.
"Dude, you went way too far" the man hissed
"I hired you for this one job , and I gave you very specific rules , I mentioned that if you failed to follow them , I simply would end you without any hesitation, and that is exactly what you went against you scum-" Jamie spoke in a low , yet scary tone. He could tell the man was intimidated. He froze in fear, and cowered slightly.
"You give me what you owe me- or there will be harsher consequences" Jamie snarled at the man who was bleeding out quicker. Jamison took a few closer steps towards the man bleeding heavily. As he approached the man who was shying away , he fixed his ruff.
"I barely touched her- nobody wants to fuck that slut anyways, I'll have to admit she does look pretty fuckable- ... but still- fucking hell man why stoop so lo-"
Jamie had heard enough , grabbing the collar of the mans shirt He pulled him close to himself , Jamie was still a lot more taller than him and he sure did have more strength and power than anyone else. He was simply helpless , he knew he was going to give the sadist what they had betted on. He had no hope , Jamison had no mercy upon the nasty soul. He knew exactly what was going to happen , and this hadn't been anything new for the deranged mad man. Oh he had definitely had of done this many times before. He knew it was nothing but mere satisfaction of knowing that once he had opted them in , the only exist would be tortured and resentful treatment. He knew how to make the situation, with no specific orders , except the rules of severe and merciless torture. And he knew they simply would fail to abide by the rules and simply do as told. Because what was told , does not add up, not in the slightest.
"Don't ever speak about her like that again" Jamie hissed , his movements were quick, almost inhuman. The man began to struggle as Jamies hand gripped his neck. He started to squirm and try to grab ahold of things. Jamie chuckled aloud. His hands tried to claw his but they were of no use.
"Priceless" , the red flashed in Jamie's eyes and the horror upon his face deepened. The man who was near unconsciousness was terrified. His limbs shook and trembled. Jamie grabbed a closer hold of him. The same thing he'd been doing since centuries , he bashed the mans head against the concrete, tossing him into the trunk and taking him to his house to make him pay with endless torture.

The house which had already witnessed the many deaths that had occurred within. More like the castle , the mansion, the one hidden by human sights , the one which was nothing in the locals vision. The one which Jamison had claimed as his own and used for his mighty reign.

Until the kingdom fell when he was head over heels for a special one . The madness which had striked him with that one glance. The psychotic tendencies he had in thought the first time he had seen precious y/n. With all the power he could've gained y/n easily, but due to her price , her worth , her value , she was nothing but a mere puzzle piece within the jigsaw which was the key for the fall.
When the kingdom was nothing but all of Jamison kinds, was the superior reign , the one which killed most of humanity. But as all had fallen the only thing the same was, the power he had maintained. He could control anything and everything he wanted , the same way he would make y/n unravel for him.
The same way he'd claim her , and make her one of his kind. He knew he had to restore his power, y/n was not only a source of hope, but a source of happiness and joy for Jamie , she held a special place in his heart. After being mercelessly getting killed by Jamison in the previous life ,he knew he had to bring her back. So he waited. And now he had her. For the kingdom could build all , Jamie could rule again , but y/n could easily cause the declination fall. For she , held the amount of power Jamie could only hide. He had to claim her now, his beloved of many , for his only weakness could truly be her. And he had many sly ways to lure her. Jamison Fawkes, the man who can get anything and everything to do as his will commanded. Nothing would prevent him from claiming her, he would eventually lure her in, a little gore and discipline would be nothing for Jamison. He knew as soon as he would claim her she'd eventually be only his and that the kingdom would never reach the peak of downfall.

But Y/N had no idea it was Jamie , the thought bugged him as he drove a little more rough, but it didn't matter , he knew her social media's and practically everything, "Y/N is studying medical, she's 18 , has a pet cat called Momo , she has a Interest in baking , makes sense and she also would've definitely have considered herself as asexual"
Jamie always chuckled to himself whenever he thought about it , nothing helped him reach his climax other than the idea of Y/N and Y/N alone. It would've been pathetic if she knew , imagine if she did know, oh how much she would despise the "handsome stranger"
She was the prey of the game and Jamie had to lay his claws upon the young blood. He knew that he could easily change her opinions upon her unknown sexuality. The mere idea of her even gawking at his face got him hard. He let out one last laugh before reaching his place.
He knew exactly what needed to be done for this man to repay on how he touched his beloved. His beloved of much time. The soul would surely pay in blood and fear. The amount of torment for this body would be anything but imaginable. For he had dared to lay a finger too close to y/n , he had a complete deathwish. A deathwish which would be anything but quick. He knew what was coming. The lifeless body , whose soul was already leaving was aware by now what Jamison Fawkes truly was. A vampire , a special kind , a insane one.
He knew by now , the ones which survived for a few hours were the ones which were marked heavily by the initials. "K.JF.TF"

King Jamison Fawkes The First
They merely survived after those next hours. Death was only their fate for they had messed up , and Jamison had knew how to cause the failure of others , the many tricks up his sleeve was anything but believable.
For psychotic mad men don't feel any remorse.

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