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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

My eyes fluttered open , my hands lazily brushing my hair from my eyes , confused as I tried to make out my surroundings.
I could barely recall the previous event , but even so , it was a vivid imagination, tormenting  thoughts and making almost every image gory.
The room was darkened and glum, the window shut tight and The blanket on my body doing little to provide me comfort, my fingers grazed upon my neck, across the shoulder blades, feeling the aching strange vivid pain. The skin was dipped in two eerie hollow holes. That's when my eyes widened. How eerie of Jamie to act , it was the curiosity which was burning into me , ceasing every casual image into something beyond thought.
Jamison, he bit into me, making me strangely fall unconscious. How could I have let down my guards so easily. My body shuddered , trying to shrink within the blanket itself, my knees holding my chin up, my arms wrapped around myself as I feared and dreaded any upcoming event. My eyes averted to cover the aspects of the secretive room. It had a comfortable bed which strangely seemed to be the only furniture alongside the wardrobe and desk in the corner. The window was dressed in red velvet and-
wHat on earth was that bright yellow thing in the corner....
My pupils dilated at the strange small yellow lights, two of them, stood upon the desk. Edging closer , bare footed, I dragged my feet timidly upon the hardened old wooden ground. Reaching out for the light only to retract my hand backwards , almost toppling over.
"EW WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?" I screamed at the top of my lungs, pointing at the strange eerie bird or bat , it cowered , hissing at me as it clawed it's way closer.
"O- I had no idea at all that bats like you exist?" I muttered tilting my head noticing it had fangs , quite bloody ones.
"Do you speak? Or do you just hiss at me like that one moody old woman down the street?" I exclaimed , making my own imitations of a old woman. The bat watched me with a strange look in its eyes before taking flight and sitting upon my shoulders.
As much as I wanted to flinch away I noticed a tag , tied around its neck. With the letters KJF engraved.
"Get off me- wheres Jamison?" I asked , ushering the bat off my shoulders and watching it flap around my head. Not giving any answers to my dying questions. I slipped on my shoes and began looking around, the bathroom was rather antique, it looked ever so fragile to the touch and neat. Not ugly , but old fashioned. I noticed the bat following me but decided to let it be. My hands clambered , feeling the solid hard wood of the grand doors , I pushed open the doors, and slipped out.
The hallway was even more drastic , something typical, they were ever so lasting, and the rails were so perfectly sculpted. The large windows on either side were heavily draped with velvet curtains. The carpeted ground was rough and cold under my bare feet. The ceiling was decorated heavily itself , in-carved with beautiful patterns and swirls. I looked around in awe , letting my feet lead the way. I didn't realise that I had made it to the main hallway, the large paintings hung on either sides of the walls telling me how ancient this place was really.
A painting of a family, then a painting of a woman , who stood tall with a bunch of flowers next to her, they must've been her prized possession, a gleeful smile upon her features. She seemed so happy, it seemed eerie that Jamie would have a painting of her. She wore a bright orange dress , contrasting with the lovely rainbow flowers. How lovely she looked, ever so pretty and young. But ruined, she seemed to find happiness within the flowers and nature.
A large painting however caught my eye, it seemed to have been a painting of Jamison himself in his typical maroon suit. However he had a cruel smirk on his face, and his hair seemed to be more lemony , his eyes just as sharp but more younger. I pondered over how old this man really was, if this place seemed to be sold old and grand then he had ought be older than presumed.
"Took a fancy to these sweet art pieces?" A voice muttered , I turned to look beside me seeing Jamison and his bat perched upon his shoulder. His frame willowy and taller than mine, he was dressed in his average attire in a cold suit. A stoic expression on his face.
"You have a really grand house?" I asked , noting his expression change into a smile.
"Ofcourse , built time ago" , he was obviously proud of it. Seemingly he appeared more casual than ever , it made me ponder over everything, maybe it was a vivid dream? But that wouldn't explain the marks which were engraved upon my neck. He noticed the strange expressions upon my features , his hand being lent out as he bent slightly.
"Join me , Ive prepared you a meal" he grinned. I shuddered away ,
"Jamie- I think i should-"
"-Come on, hate to keep ya hungry for much longer, now hurry along" his hand a iron grip upon my wrist. I followed along him, noticing how hungry I actually was.
He led me towards a grand room which had a fantastically large table , filled with dishes , luxurious cutlery and fancy seats.
I took my seat timidly , watching him pass on some food towards me. A grand smile placed upon his frail lips as he noticed how much I was truly wrapped around his fingers. I played with the fork after taking a few bites of the meal, it ofcourse wasn't too shabby, but indeed it was bland.
Ofcourse he was inquired in joining me, he took his seat infront of me. Chuckling whilst he watched me pick the dinner he had made. I picked my head up, glaring daggers into his molten golden orbs.
"Jamison-" I muttered , his eyes were trained upon me, a all too well knowing grin upon his face. He knew it all , he knew that I was inclined to stay here until my curiosity was fulfilled , he knew he was perhaps the only one left for me, he knew that I was scared of the truth.
"Why, why did you bite into me?" I asked, trying to maintain a steady focus to my voice , but even that had faltered. It waved and croaked as I tried to get my point across. I prayed to the gods above that he didn't not notice the fear I had. But he was Jamison Fawkes and he was bound to know me more than anyone else.
"Was waiting for that burning inquiry of yours Darl'" he teased , the smirk never leaving his expression as he raised his eyebrows.
"So?" I asked , eager for answers.
He hummed in response , not bothering to answer me. With Enough of the burden on my shoulders , I stood up, my fingers curling into a fist as I glared at him. Anger boiling and coursing through my veins as I felt a new upcoming amount of strength.
"-well ... You're a murderer, no wonder you dress weird and act posh, you're the KJF whatever dude, you killed harmless people, people who didn't deserve what was coming, and I know you killed Lucio, he was a friend of mine!" I hissed , stabbing a fork into the table. Jamison had enough of my bratty behaviour. He got out of his chair , coming closer to me, the smirk clearly wiped off of his face. I folded my arms across my chest , determined to not let him lie to me again. How dare he think he could fool me.
"Why , out of everyone , why me? You're sick- I'm leaving-" I muttered waving my hands in the air.
However the sudden confidence slipped out of my body like a spirit as his hands lunged to keep me within his grasp. His grasp once again iron and cold, his longer slender fingers wrapped themselves around my wrist, the other holding my waist closely. A stoic expression on his face which had shown that I had pushed the boundaries, the limited resent.
"You pushed your limits y/n" he hissed , a voice laced with venom and power.
"What do you even care for about me? What do I have that no one else has? Why me? Why lucio?!" I began to grow more impatient , despite the feeling of his fingernails digging into my skin, I felt the need to bug him for answers for my burning questions.
"Will you shut up?!" He bellowed , his voice booming loudly , echoing and tormenting. His knuckles cracked slightly as he began dragging me out of the room.
Through unknown twists and turns , eerie halls and stairways. I tried absorbing in as much as I could but my eyes could only wander to him, as he nibbled on his lip cautiously , his fingers occasionally drumming themselves upon me. He was just as deep as I was swimming in doubt, regret and anxiety, or perhaps I was wrong. I didn't know him as much as I truly thought I had.
Pulling to a abrupt halt , be lessened his grip , pushing my forward slightly. In his maroon pockets , he pulled out a cluster of keys, all huddled against each other as if they were scared of Jamison itself. The cold metal clanked against his skin as he jammed them through the rusty door, the knob turning by itself and opening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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