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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
I got up from my bed , yesterday's work had stressed me out far too much and i didn't even feel like getting out of bed. I leaned over shutting the obnoxious alarm. My mind was still clogged with the mist which had been a deranged silent form of sharp damage.

Stretching i got up , looking around the room and then racing towards the bathroom stripping myself and stepping inside. The tap was turned and the heated water enveloped my body with its hazy warmth.

I dressed myself in warm clothes , a autumn dress with leggings , my period was due soon and I had to rush out just to get sanitary towels. I admired myself in the mirror before opening up my phone and reading the recent news article.

"Man found dead at a ditch in the golds golf club"

My thoughts had stopped ... golds golf club wasn't far at all from my house ... nor the club. I shuddered and tried to wipe the devastating weight off my shoulders, they even said the man had been found with severe deep marks of something which appeared to be "teeth", or something.

I put down my phone leaning down to pet momo trying to not think of how the devastation must've been to find out a family member being killed and tossed into a old mans play park.

The same thing had happened a while ago before , but it wasn't like this , this was just the beginning of the killers game and he was still on the run , police hadn't even managed to catch up with his inhuman game of torturing and leaving. The thought amazed me on how they were so sly , but it disturbed me severely at the same time , how could anyone be some emotionless and disgusting to make someone bleed to death right infront of their bare eyes.

Awakening myself from my strange thoughts a buzz came from my phone. I flicked through the bunch of unread discussion in the group chats , it would obviously be a day off today at work , and the shops would be closing.

Shutting of my phone i picked up Momo stroking her.

"...There's nothing to do here" i shrugged bored , I decided to stop over thinking and watch some tv.

I ended up watching marathons of boring clique love episodes. Id be lying if I said I never wanted to be in love with anyone. I , Ofcourse wanted to be joined at two hearts , but the lack of trust and toxicity in the past had failed to convince me that the future ones would be any different.

Yawning I stretched on my couch , it would get late if I decided to watch a few more episodes , I had to go out to get the regular groceries. I pulled on some warm boots and a black coat which was tight around my waist.

Momo tugged at the end of my sleeves wagging her tail rapidly forcing me to get up.

"I'll be back soon alright" I smiled lightly stroking my companions back gently as she rubbed against me.

I forced myself to get up , replacing the forgotten food in momo's bowl before leaving. I grabbed the shawl hung upon the rack.

"I promise to play when I come home" I smiled turning to face Momo before leaving the house. The streets were bare empty , not even a single fly had dared to even prance around outside , it seemed almost too isolated to even be considered a neighbourhood. But it was just a warning , they all knew what was coming , the town was nothing but in dire need of help. Each one of these fools manage to believe in some stupid tales. I guess it would originate from what their ancestors decided to tell. They all had their own beliefs about the end , the fall and the upcoming unknown rise. I intend to believe it was nothing but mere illiterate pathetic riddles to puzzle the youth and hold them firm in confusion.

Ephemeral : Vampire Junkrat X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now