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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

The air was stuffy and almost suffocating by the time my eyelids had risen. My body was strangely tired , and everything felt too icky and uncomfortable. I shook my head remembering slight events of the previous night , but nothing after coming home. With him...

Why was he portrayed as a stranger in my head , he clearly needed a friend or a close companion , he couldn't be too bad , but I couldn't believe that this theory was entirely true , the man had a strange aura , the vibes he'd give , the way he'd dress like he was just back from a ball in the Victorian era, the way his hair was a tinge of White from age.
Each part of me felt weirdly inclined to not budge or even twitch , apart from my thighs which felt a little damp. My eyes widened at the strange feeling , I darted out of the comfortable sheets rushing into the bathroom before letting more than a few giggles and sighs of relief. I forgotten the date of my period , but more importantly I had completely forgotten to get the sanitary towels from that corner store. Sighing I looked around , finding a unfamiliar packaging beside the cupboard drawer. I reached out holding the bag before reaching out reading a note stuck upon the pack.

" "Did I tell you yet? Your comfort is at my hands , leave it to me , I'll take good care of you!" - your lovely extravagant friend Jamie "

I smiled reading the message... how sweet and thoughtful of him to remember. I cleaned myself up luckily I had awoken with barely a stain. I started looking around the house for more notes , I came across a note sat upon the couch , beside it was the box of chocolates he had purchased earlier , I smiled
" will come handy later!"
He was being far too nice for it to even be absorbed , it felt strange , but loving and warm. I embraced the gentle nature of the atmosphere before popping one of the shaped chocolates into my mouth. My phone buzzed as it lit up , receiving messages, I knew it was him , he was sure sly as hell and well damn good at predicting. Unless he could see the future ... that would be a pathetic thing to hold against him , he was a nice guy ... yeah.
I sighed picking up my phone reading the new messages which had appeared.
"Rise and shine love , I'll come over in a bit!"
I shook my head , how did he even get access into my phone to add his number , he even put his name as :
"You know" which seemed a little creepy. I shuddered diving through the rest of the folders in my phones of what else he had dared to raid. I opened photo gallery seeing a selfie he took , he had a firm sly grin on his pallor face , he had a hand rested upon my back , ... when I fell asleep on him I couldn't help but crack a smile on my face. Maybe he was better than I intentionally thought , I had to force myself to believe that theory , I still can't believe that it's entirely true , the way he's so devoted to get close to me without any actual words of closure. Maybe he found warmth in the way I am? Maybe I attracted him? But why me ? I'm the most mediocre student... I shook my head noting the time on the clock before sighing , I had slept in on my job at the cafe. I got up restless and pulled on a lazy dress. Even if it was my period I couldn't help but dress myself in a pastel colour. It was just me , I wasn't the type to own dark attire and I didn't have much of it , I wasn't entirely pink pastel unicorns , but I definitely wasn't dark or grunge. My style was just simple , a few bows and frills that's all. And light colours were my favourite. I brushed my hair back into a ponytail and applied a little makeup to make myself not look as dead as I did. I snapped out of my thoughts remembering Momo... where had she disappeared too? I didn't even remember seeing her furry fat face the other day? And usually she'd curl up beside me when I slept. I trotted downstairs in my low heels before putting food in her bowl. Shaking the bag excessively.
Maybe she was sleeping? She wouldnt ever avoid food , she was a fat hungry cat. I was concerned but I had to run to get to my work if I didn't want to get a long ass lecture I pulled my bag over my shoulder and dashed out the door locking it but making sure the cat flap was left open. It wasn't long before I made it to the cafe. The place was populated with people , mainly people on dates. I smiled at the loving atmosphere before getting dragged inside by Lena.
"What happened? You didn't answer any of my calls this morning? I was worried" she muttered
"Oh... you messaged me? I didn't see it... I uh didn't touch my phone" I lied feeling bad.
"... right , doesn't sound much like y/n but what happened anyways?"
I leaned in whispering in her ear "periods..."
she shook her head
"Understandable" she turned to get back into helping the food being served , I stood behind the cashier watching the others unknowing of what to do. It felt a little awkward and out of place for some place , I had being working here for more than a month , why did it feel like I didn't belong here? Lucio reached out , his hand pressing against my shoulder lightly snapping me out.
"Is everything ok y/n?"
"Yeah I'm fine LuLu thanks for your concern ... it's just uh Momo went missing I can't find her- I mean I'm sure she's hiding somewhere" I smiled closing my eyes and rubbing the back of my neck with a awkward full grin smile. I opened my eyes seeing Lucio's concerning face.
"Calm down" he sighed smiling , I'm sure she's probably just sleeping or playing games"
"Right" I spoke with a uneven pitched voice I knew well damn sure momo hardly played. I placed my bag down on the ground.

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