15 years later!

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15 years later....

After that promised many things happen in wayo life.
One is when his mother died in a boat accident while his father is messing.

His parent was celebrating thier wedding anniversary, they decided to have an overnight boat trip when the boat they in with got sink in cause of typhoon that come out of nowhere.
After the funeral of wayo's mother his uncle from his father side made him sign a paper with out understanding what the papers means.

Later..., wayo found out the  paper he sign in is a consent where wayo agree that all the property of his father well be given to his uncle and wayo well no longer has the  power to any property that belongs to his father.
When wayo's uncle Hagan from his mother side Kit father knows about it. He was so angree that they try to file a lawsuit but it was dismiss by wayo's greedy uncle Dax.

"don't worry son! From now on you well be living to our house. Don't think what your stupid greedy uncle did. Ok!  From now on forget about them, don't think of them. Live your life like how your parents wants it, and for that to do what you want and live your life happy , ok!" - his uncle hagan said.

During the night specially rainy with thunder. He alwas crying he become traumatized of rain comes with thunder. Kit always sleep next to him if its happen.
As time pass by Wayo move on and continue to live his life. And soon forgot the promise he made to the boy who he didn't know his name, who'd stolen his first kiss.



At the age of  22 Wayo is fully  a working adult now. He graduate with a course of architecture and  he is working in the biggest architecture firm in whole thailand. 

The "Moon🌛& Sun ☀ firm".

The most in demand and  well know for designing and building the most beautiful and exquisite houses, tower, building , etc.
Not just thailand even outside the country, the company is still know and in demand.

After he graduate as an architect  last year he immediately grab the opportunity to be the new member of most well-known Firm. When a job openings is available , with knowledge, effort , determination ,passion for his degree with a little bet of luck. Wayo is one of the applicants who got hire.

That is last year...


Sounds of walking and running can be heard, flipping sound of papers scratches of pencil and pens can be heard in the room. Some are busy remodeling some required design, or changing some last minutes request.

I'M busy redesigning a house model needed ti be shown to a customer who wants to make the kitchen a little bigger. If everything is ok , tomorrow, we can start to build there dream house right away.

(music playing=  Mike  drop by bts)
(means its lunch time)

"Eeeeeyahhh! Finally it's time to eeaaatt!, ai' bitches lets go have lunch, I'm hungry". -p'fatty said aloud for us to hear. The other "ladies ".

The "ladies" are the first people who i become friends with. They are noise, bitche, and loves to gawk at boys but they definitely good at their work.
There are 5 boys and 1 girl but you can all consider both of them girls .

"ai'bitch!  Please don't shout your big mouth your making us deaf! " ai'montree retort, leader of the "ladies "

"ai'yoh?  Why don't you have lunch with us na? You didn't eat with us yesterday?  - ai montree ask

"thank you na p , but i have to finish this design today, tomorrow is the deadline for new design to be approve p!" -

"nong yoh! Your working during lunch time but you know Our lunch time is not included in our salary so bitch! Eat lunch with us nah - jay one of the twins said

"and beside nong yoh it's your turn to pay for lunch today, don't You run away now!.  - Zee the other twin said with a smirk. This twin really!!.

"hahaha,  sorry na p but i can't but lunch is on me p. I'll eat with you next time - i said with a pleaded look

"yoh! We want to eat with you not to make pay for the food.  But if you pay, that well be great then." -- ai'fatty with a mischievous smirk. 😏


Before Nate said anything the door to our chief open ,Nate is same age as me. Chief loo walks out of the office .

"its lunch time aren you ladies having you lunch? - chief loo ask.

" we well chief! Ai'bitch yoh is not eating lunch again." - ai'fatty said

"hmm" nong yoh! Why won't you eats lunch again ? - chief loo

Wayo's chief is friendly and kind. He is not like other chief or bosses who are to strick,demanding and to bossy. His chill, cool, kind and honest. They where like family.

"chief! I have to finish this model today it's need approval for tomorrow " - I restback

The chief look at wayo's model for a minute then said its fine  its almost  finish. He can have lunch with the other.

"it's important to finish the job but its also important to eat. if you dont eat you cannot work properly it may affect in your performance instead." - Chief said

"chief! Why don't you eat lunch with us today is your last day in here. You be transfer in anothet branch na p'chief ? - wayo

"i love too "ladies " but i have some appointment ti tend to so thank you and oh lunch on me." -p'loo handed his atm.

" the girls screaming thanking the chief for the free lunch the chief smile. bye girls.

Earlier this morning they surprised him and congratulate him for his transfer in higher position. They give flowers and cake and a banner.

"thank you na p'chief " all the girls said together.

The girls are so noisy waiting the elevator they keep compering many things like make up.,bags and oh let's not forget boys.

Two elevator door open at the sime time, the fairy gang went in firts wayo is the last . He was talking and smiling happily with others not noticing the man who stop walking and stare at him.

Then right before the door close wayo look up and meet eye to eye with the most beautiful but dangerous eyes.

(sound of elevator door close)


Yey! I finish one again👏
Sorry for any wrong grammar or spelling guys
Sorry if my information about architecture is not right i just got them in the net.
But the name of architecture firm hehe is not true just made up.
Well i dont know if there's any building who has a name like that any. 😂😊

Thanki3 😘😉


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