Chapter 21: Movie Nights

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On multiple occasions in my stories, I had brought up movie nights between the Sides, and finally decided that I wanted to elaborate on that idea. That being said, I knew I wanted this to be a Roman / Virgil-centric story, and Roman would more than likely choose a musical as the movie to watch. I also remember the way the two fought over Disney, and I wanted that to play a role as well, but without making either character out to be the villain.

Overall Thoughts On Movie Nights:

Movie Nights is an idea I have seen fanfic writers run with time and time again, but I too wanted to add my own spin on things, and I think that is one of the reasons it wouldn't rank as one of my favorites. It is a story that has been done before, and due to the fact that I was still recovering from Sleep-Walking, and had another idea in the works, I don't think this story got the time and care it deserved. Another thing to note is that ironically enough, the movie from the story Les Mis, is one of the few musicals that I have actually never seen. Now, I have listened to the soundtrack countless times and understand the basic plot line, but I haven't actually seen the movie. Back on topic, I think that Movie Nights is one of those stories that is good, but really I could have done more with it if I hadn't been suffering from burn-out, and my main focal point at the time hadn't been elsewhere. (I will elaborate on that in the next chapter.)

Writing Tips Based On Movie Nights:

-History is important.

· This one may seem obvious, but I want to elaborate on it any way. When you are dealing with two characters with a rock past like Roman and Virgil, that history is important. The back story between the two will all but write the story itself, no one gets over conflicts at the drop of a hat; it takes time and effort from all parties. That being said, allow history between characters to be their motivation or to be what holds them back.

-Emotions and how they connect with relationships.

· Again, this one may seem obvious, but I know from experience that there are certain emotions that I have a difficult time working with, and that difficulty can actually vary depending on which characters you are writing for. I have the hardest time writing any relations with Roman, and that is simply because I do not relate to him much. His personality is so different from my own that I have a hard time writing for him, that's actually why it took so long for him to get a proper point of view in my stories. Back on topic, I particularly struggle with Roman feeling guilty, because many times in canon, his pride overpowers other emotions; still, when faced with certain situations, he will admit to them. Overall, specific emotions can be difficult to write, but as you learn and grow more confident in your skills, you will find yourself able to better characterize and the emotions will start to feel a bit more natural.

-Getting back into writing after a hiatus.

· Obviously this was something I ran into majorly after the completion of Sleep-Walking, and at first I really didn't know how to continue, or where to go next. That being said, after a hiatus, you may feel that your skills have dulled, or your work isn't up to the standards that it once was, but just like riding a bike, you never forget how to write. It can be difficult but don't let it hold you back, the longer you wait, the more daunting the task of writing a new story will become. Some ways to try and ease yourself back into the routine of writing is to try and find a topic or idea that you feel really passionate about, and then find a quiet and calm place to write where you won't be disturbed. You may still look down upon your writings, and that is when I suggest bringing someone else in to read over your story; allow them to look it over, and more than likely you will find that they don't think the story is as bad as you thought it was. It can be hard to come back after a lengthy hiatus, but in the end it is worth it as you will watch your skills improve, and your ideas begin to blossom before your eyes.

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