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The gang took the fact that me and Darry were dating way better than we thought. Then again, I consider any time that Dally doesn't threaten to murder someone a good time.

"We were all gettin' tired of watching you two idiots be in love for four years, anyway." He said.

"He's not wrong." Steve shrugged.

"Annie, are you movin' in with us?" Soda asked excitedly.

"Woah, I'm not s-" I started, and Darry cut me off by saying, "Yes."

"Alright then." I nodded.

Soda and Pony both hugged me suddenly, and then Darry did, too.

"Come on, just make it into a whole group hug," I said, and everyone joined in on the hug.


From there, everything went downhill fast. Johnny killed somebody and he and Pony ran away.

Darry had been crying on and off for two days, and me and Soda couldn't get him to calm down.

"Where are they, Dallas?" Steve asked.

"Texas." He may have been good at lying, but I saw right through him.

"Then why can't we get them?" Two-Bit demanded angrily. I put a hand on his arm and shook my head. His face softened and he gave in.

I had a knack for calming people down. That's why I was so bothered that Darry was still upset. Then again, it was his brother that had run away.

Dally would never admit it to anyone, but he was missing Johnny like crazy. They wouldn't have to tell anyone they were dating; everyone already knew.

He'd been sticking with me more than usual lately. His usual separation anxiety was worse, especially without Johnny here.


That night, he stayed on the couch. Soda stayed alone in his and Pony's room.

I slept with Darry. "Love, please, he's okay. Both of them are okay."

"You can't know that." He insisted, and I frowned, cupping his face in my hands.

"Listen to me. They're both okay. They're smart kids, and I trust my brother. I know they're okay."

He closed his eyes for a moment and exhaled slowly. "You're right. I'm sorry, baby. They're okay."

"I know." I smiled slightly.

Darry's POV

Annie softly smiled at me. Before, she didn't seem very happy. She never smiled or laughed. Dally could hardly make her smile.

But now, she always seemed happier. Even now, she managed to keep everyone grounded. I kissed her forehead and her smile widened. "C'mon, let's get some sleep, doll."

She kissed my jaw. "Goodnight."

Annie's POV

A few days later, Dally pulled me aside and told me where the kids really were. "I'm goin' for them today. You in?"

"No shit." I grinned.

We stole Buck Merril's T-bird and drove off to Jay Mountain. I felt a little bad leaving with no warning, but it was for a good cause


"Glory, he looks different with his hair like that." Dally whistled, and Pony woke up.


"Hey, what about me?" I asked.

"Annie! Johnny, wake up, Dally and Annie are here." Pony shouted.

I hugged him tightly, and he hugged me back. "We all missed you, kid. Your brothers have been emotional wrecks. They thought y'all were dead."

"Are they okay?" He asked anxiously, and I nodded.

Dally picked Johnny up to hug him, and they both kissed. I smiled slightly. "That reminds me, how have things been with you and Darry?" Pony asked me.

"I yelled at 'im for hitting you. He's awful sorry."

"Speaking of your brothers," Dally handed Pony the letter from Soda. "Read it on the way outta here, I'm starved."

"You're starved?" Johnny scoffed.


We stopped at Dairy Queen and the boys ate practically half the menu. I didn't blame Pony and Johnny, but Dally was just a pig.

Just as we were about to head home, the damn kids had to notice a fire at the church. And they had to make Dally turn around and go back.

And then they felt the need to run into the fire to save the little kids trapped inside. "Dammit," I cursed, jumping out of the car and following them.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dally yelled.

"Helping the freakin' kids!" I yelled back before I threw myself in through a broken window.


"I'm fine," I mumbled. "I'm fine."

I couldn't breathe. It felt like my skin was on fire. I was bleeding, I could feel blood.

"Dallas? Where's Dallas? Where's my brother?" I could hear myself saying that, but I didn't realize it was really me. "Are they okay? Johnny and Pony, are they okay?"

"They're fine."

"I want Darry."

"I'm sure he'll meet you at the hospital,"

I opened my eyes and saw a man in a paramedics costume. I started laughing.

"This is a weird... a weird party. You're dressed funny." I giggled, but suddenly felt sick. "I'm think I'm gonna throw up,"

He held up a trash can and I was violently sick. "Man... I'm bleeding? I got shot, man."

"I'm aware."

"Who shot me? I'll kill 'em. Dally'll kill 'em. Did you shoot me? Why'd you shoot me?" I started to black out again. "Where's Darry? I want... I want Darry..."


Everything was real bright all of a sudden. Was I dead?

No, I was at the hospital.

"Annie!" I heard Pony's voice.

"Pony? What'd you do?" I slurred, sitting up on and leaning on my elbow. It hurt like hell but I barely processed it. "Man, what'd Dallas do?"

"What's wrong with her?"

"We're not sure yet."

I blinked and saw a few nurses on either side of me. One of them was making me lay down again. Was I on a gurney?

"Why the hell... what? What the hell? Was it the Soc's? Did they beat Johnny and Pony again?"

"No one got beaten," a nurse assured me. "You're okay. Just sleep."

"I ain't... I ain't tired." I slurred, but I was exhausted. "I ain't..."

And then I passed out cold.

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