Twenty One

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A few weeks later, me and Darry's schedule had lined up so we both got off work at the same time- 6 pm. So he'd drop me off on his way to work and pick me up on the way home.

I stepped out of the library and jogged down the front steps to his car and got in on the passengers side. "Hey, love," I greeted, kissing his cheek.

"Hey, doll." He pulled away from the curb. "How was work?"


He laughed, and I smiled fondly. He was so pretty when he laughed. Hell, he looked beautiful no matter what he did. "And how was work for you, my love?" I asked him, taking his hand in mine.


"Mm." I nodded. "At least it's Friday night. We don't got work tomorrow."

We were both quiet for a while.

"Oh, shit!" He cursed.

There was a loud boom! and even though my seatbelt was buckled, I was thrown against Darry. The world seemed to freeze for a moment before the car tipped ok its side. Everything hurt real bad for a minute and I faintly heard Darry say he loved me before everything went dark.

Dally's POV

I was at Darry and Annie's house with the rest of the gang. The 'lovely couple' were probably on their way home from work by now.

Soda was in front of the TV, flipping through channels, when the phone rang. He stood up and answered it. Now, normally I wouldn't have given a damn, but Soda got real pale after a minute of being on the phone.

"What's going on?" Steve must have noticed it, too.

He hung up a moment later. "Darry and Annie got in some sort of wreck, they're at the hospital."



The word seemed to echo in my head for a few minutes before I realized what the word meant.

Annie and Darry were dead. Darry had died on the way to the hospital- he didn't have a chance. Annie did, but they still couldn't save her.

Why'd they have to die in pain? Why couldn't they have lived to get old? Like real, adult old, like the kind of adults with kids and grandkids and who had loved each other and lived long lives together. They couldn't die peacefully, in their sleep?

Apparently not.

Some asshole had to go speeding past a light and kill them. I didn't know if I was crying or not. I didn't care. I felt like I was seeing everything through a white haze.

I could see that Pony and Soda and the others were crying. I could feel Johnny looking at me. I wanted to hold his hand, but we were in public, and we couldn't hold hands in public- not safely, at least.

I wanted to comfort Ponyboy and Sodapop, but I couldn't. I just couldn't.

"I gotta get outta here," I muttered, storming off.

Vaguely, I heard them calling after me. I didn't want to stay there. I wanted to leave. I wanted to get in my car and drive away and I wanted Johnny to go with me.

I wanted Annie to go with me. I wanted Annie. I wanted my sister. I wanted her to be alive. I wanted her to look at me and say, "Come on, Dally, you know I'm just joking."

I wanted to hear the words, "Everything is okay, Dallas. They're not dead. It was just a mistake." But I knew I would never ever hear those words.

Because they were dead. My sister was dead, and so was my sister's husband.

When I looked up again, I was at my car. I unlocked the door and got inside, but I didn't do anything. I just locked the door and sat there. I guess I wasn't crying before, because I was now.

Hell, I was full on bawling.

"They were too young!" I sobbed. "Goddammit!"


When I woke up, it was dark out. Was I dreaming? Did I dream it?

I could feel tears in my face, but I didn't care. I grabbed ¢10 and found a payphone and called the Curtis' house.

"Hello?" I heard Annie ask tiredly.

"Annie," I gasped. "You're not dead,"

"No, I'm not dead! Dally, it's 2 am! Are you drunk?"

"No! I'm not drunk! I just- I'm real sorry, Annie, I just had a bad nightmare, I guess."

"Oh, are you alright? Where are you? Do you want me to come get you?"

"No, I'm okay. I must've fallen asleep in my car or somethin'. Sorry for wakin' you up,"

"It's okay."

"And you're sure you're okay?"

"I think I'd know whether or not I'm okay, and I'm okay."

"Okay. Good."

"You alright?"

"I'm alright." I nodded. "Okay. Love you, Annie."

It had been a long time since me and Annie had said we loved each other. She sounded surprised when she said, "Love you too, Dally."

"See ya later." I hung up before she could say anything else. I started laughing to myself. "They're not dead! Son of a bitch, they're not dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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