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"You two have been in a good mood all morning, it's unsettling." Steve said as he stabbed his fork through a pancake.

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Darry asked, and I shrugged.

Dally and I had never told any of them when our birthday was, and we intended to keep it that way.

"Do you two have twin ESP or somethin' like that?" Soda asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think that's even a thing...?" Dally said. "Unless... wait, Annie, what am I thinking?"

"Dallas, even if I could read your thoughts, I would never be able voice them because you're way too graphic of a person."

"Wow, how did you know that was exactly what I was thinking?"

"Woahh, really?" Soda gasped.

"No, honey." I told him, shooting a glare at Dally.


That night, Dally and I went to a drag race. I hadn't been to one in a few months, and I was excited to be back in the midst of action.

"Glory, they picked a dangerous stopping point," Dally whistled as he stepped near the edge of the cliff where the racers were supposed to stop.

I joined him. "Yeah, kinda strange."

He slipped and almost fell but I shot forward and grabbed his arm. Dally started laughing as I pulled him up, and then I did too.

I could tell that had scared him, and he was a little paler than usual, but we both just laughed about it.

"That was certainly somethin'," he laughed nervously.

I nodded, and grabbed two beers out of a cooler. We twisted the caps off and tapped the bottles together.

"Happy nineteenth," We chorused before taking a drink. We could hear the sounds of the car engines a short distance away and everyone stepped back. They came speeding around the corner, and only one of them was slowing up.

"Oh, god," I grabbed Dally's arm and he tensed up.

The second car came to a screeching halt just before it fell off the cliff. There seemed to be a simultaneous sigh of relief amongst everyone gathered to watch the race. A few people were laughing, so scared at the fact that someone nearly died that some of them were in hysterics.

"Come on, I'm starved." I said. "If we eat at Charlie's, we get a discount, since I work there."


Dally dropped me off at home at eleven. "See ya later," he called.

"Bye, Dally. Don't go pickin' any fights, got it?" I said, and he saluted.

"Ma'am, yes, ma'am."

I rolled my eyes. "Bye."

Ponyboy was the only one still awake. "Hey, Pony."

He looked up from his book. "Hey, Annie."

"Whatcha readin'?"

"Gone With The Wind. Me and Johnny started readin' it in the church and I never finished it." He replied.

"Fun. You hungry? I got some pie from the diner, if you want any."

"No, thank you."

"Alright, I'll put it in the fridge if you change your mind."

I set it in the fridge before I went to me and Darry's room. "Hey, babydoll." He mumbled.

"Aw, did I wake you up?" I frowned.

"Nah, I couldn't sleep,"

He held his arms up for me to lay by him. I was too tired to change into pajamas, so I just laid down by him in jeans and an old sweatshirt that I'd borrowed from him.

Darry wrapped his arms around me and I kicked my shoes off before I went under the covers with him. "You're warm." I commented.

"And you're cold. See? Perfect match," he grinned. I leaned forward and kissed him.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

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