She's Freezing

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Her light symboled peace and her ice showed justice. She was an abnormal stuck in a land of demons to defend young prodigies. There were more of them but when we saw our fate sealed in this everliving nightmare, we wanted to help others. We were made to protect.

'Where am I?' Mason's mind was trying to process the charred and rocky land. It was somewhat beautiful but some what confusing. 'Why is this place so... deserted?' He started walking and looking around, trying to find someone other than himself. He started running. He seemed alone. Able to do anything he wanted without any stupid rules to live by.

As Mason ran he started laughing happily and spinning around while the wind flew by. He felt exhilarated. His lungs burned but he didn't care. He was unstoppab-


"oww" He groaned rubbing his head.
What did he run into?
He looked over and saw a girl. A girl! There's someone else here!

"Ow, what was that for, kid?"

"Oh, uh. S-sorry... I thought i was alone."

"Huh. Most kids think this place is horrifying at first glance." She said looking at me.


"Why's your hair like that? I thought children had blonde or brown hair, or even orange. Never seen a kid with Scarlet and black hair," She said looking at Mason questionably.

"WHOAH!" She grabbed his face and stared at Mason's now Orange and black eyes.


"My eyes?"

"No your chin, YES YOUR EYES!"

"They just change depending on my mood... They're always different though."

"Lucky, thats really rare. Your like the needle in the hairstack."

"What?" Mason replied trying to contain his laughter.

"Your a needle in the hairstack."

"Its needle in the haystack!" He said doubling over laughing.

Rolling her eyes, she got up and helped Mason to his feet.

"Whats your name?" She asked him.

"Mason Ashton,"

"It suits you."

"Thanks... What's your name?"

"The name's Kelsey Taylor, Kelly for short." Kelly replied proudly.

Her eyes are big and colored with an exotic blue, she has black long strait hair thats slightly wavy near the middle. She has a snowflake tattoo over her eye, you could see it fully when she closed her eyes. She looked to be 14 and 5'5. She's beautiful and somewhat cold to the touch.

"So are you coming or not?" said Kelly looking down at me.
"Where are we going?" He asked perplexed.

"With the other prodigies."


A strange man grabbed and clamped a hand over my mouth then ran. 'Whats happening!?'


Kelly ran at a supernatural speed. Mason could barely see her when she kicked the kidnapper in the face and grabbed him as the crook flew 20 meters away. He somehow landed swiftly, both legs behind him in a charging stance and one hand in front to keep him steady. I was shocked. Paralyzed in fear at first.

"stay back Mason."

"No! I can help, my dad taught be how to fight!"




Mason didn't understand but he listened. He ran and hid behind a Boulder nearby. He was scared. He wanted to help but didn't want to get in the way. All he could do was watch.


Why is the ground freezing? Why is it so cold?

One look at Kelly and he was petrified and mesmerized. There where freezing winds and mist around her. Her snowflake was glowing and she looked possessed almost. Her hand shot up and a stream of ice, snow, and wind shot from it at an incredible speed that would make a jet seem like a turtle.

'What the hell is going on?!'
Here's the next chappie i promised :3! i decided to leave on a cliff hanger ;) mwahahaha! haha sorry sorry, reviews and comments are greatly appreciated! Let me know if you enjoyed! Sayonara Min'na!! *^*

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