Enormity and Erudite

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Maybe it was the ocean current, or the fierce bellow of a storm. Maybe it was her actions that justified his own place in that world. Maybe he just went there on his will, or he knew her without realizing it. Questions that bekon answers are crucial for the mind to process, if malfunctioning it could all just be a waste of time. Who needs that world? Well, its a choice to leave, but its an honer to stay.

Mason P.O.V

I went to sleep and awoke to a realm I suspected to arrive in. I started opening my eyes, slowly from the blinding light in the room. I could feel that I was on the floor, but it wasn't the earth soil, it was hardwood. As I opened my eyes I caught a glimmer of four figures around me muttering to each other, jumbled words that didn't seem to be comprehended at the time. I sensed the growing anxiety of the room, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Maybe... Maybe that's them? The people she was telling me about, those other prodigies.


Ughh, my head hurts.

Thump thump

Nnnnnnm owwww

Thump thump thump

Stupid brain

"Mason?" A familiar voice echoed through his mind. No. Way.

"Kelly? Is that you?" I asked anxiously. I opened my eyes and saw her. There was a new scar tracing the brim of her nose. It seemed oddly fitting. I jumped up and hugged kelly, but since I'm not that tall I ended up cuddling her leg, not worrying about the awkward scenario forming around us.

"Hey kid, welcome back" Kelly smiled and ruffled my hair, I don't know why it was a familiar feeling but I set that aside.

"Yo Kel, is that a new kid?" Said an older boy, about the age of 8 he seemed.

"Will, shut up." A girl a little older than 10 told 'Will'.

"Well, if he really is a new kid, he's surely the youngest prodigy here. You sure he's fit to be one?"

"Is he an enormity or erudite..." Asked a curious girl. Kelly just shook her head and laughed.

"Believe it or not, he's both. And he's 4"

Everyone gasped and some got angry.

"But that's not possible! None of us are like that! He's too young!"

"EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" someone yelled cracking open the doors loudly. Kelly put her arm around my shoulders and pushed me back a bit.

"Now, Carl calm down, there's no need for that." She said calmly, with an itching venom seeping through the words.

"Who's the kid." Carl said plainly pointing at me with a long skinny finger. He looked to be about 15/16 and was quite tall. He had a small bumped in the middle mohawk, half blond half brown, and piercing golden eyes.

"This is Mason. A pyro and intellect. Age, 4." She said knowingly.

Everything went silent.













..... "Why didnt you tell me the prophecied boy was here."


Sorry for the long wait everyone, and I want to thank you on 44 views and 10 likes, I really hope I'm doing ok, its my first story publicized and I'm nervous xD please give some feedback, like if you enjoyed, and have an awesome Thanksgiving :D

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