The Beginning

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  • Dedicated to Zayn Malik

This whole story is dedicated to Zayn Malik. For his amazingly common fears that I think are adorable, for his tall hair that's unbelievably attractive, and for his fantastic singing voice. For his tattoos that all are special, for staying strong in hard times, and for being a part of One Direction. 

For Zayn Malik.


This story was inspired by The Vow, {kind of}. If any of you don't know, The Vow is a sappy, romance movie about a newly wed couple who get in a car crash, and the woman loses her memory, causing the guy to set out to make her fall back in love with him again.

Now note that I said INSPIRED. This story is definitely not like that, but somehow I got from there to here. xD If you read the summary below, you'll understand what I mean by that. 


“Let’s call this your Memory Jar. Every time you remember something, no matter how insignificant, I want you to write it down and put it in this jar. You don’t have to share your memories with anyone unless you want to, not even me, but I want you to bring this every week that we meet. Hopefully, in no time it’ll be overflowing.”

Dana is nothing but a lowly street rat, until the day she gets into a dangerous accident, causing her to lose something heartbreakingly important: Her memory.

The only reason she lives is because of Zayn, who finds her in the alley behind a restaurant he's eating at. When she wakes up later, panicked and distraught with only a sliver of a memory, Zayn can't bring himself to make it worse and tell her that she’s had nothing for her entire life.

So he lies… and says he's her brother.

How can Zayn keep this secret from Dana? What will he do when she begins getting fragments of her memory back? What's to become of her father and brother, still on the streets? And what will Dana do if she begins getting unwanted and inappropriate feelings for her “brother”?


So, there you have it! I'm going to post the first chapter pretty soon, and I'm pretty excited about starting this story, but I want to see what you guys think as well. Would you check it out? :) Hope to hear from any of you!

Also! The trailer on the side was kindly made by @five1Derfulboys, and the second chapter is dedicated to her for it! :) Thank you very much!

The Memory Jar [Zayn Malik]Where stories live. Discover now