Chapter 11: Sickening

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Yay for being able to update! :D So I want to thank you all again because this story has so much support and so many readers. <3 And I love each and every one of you for reading and I'm so glad you're all enjoying it as much as I am! :) 

Firstly, some of you came up with Zayn and Dana's shipping name, Zana! xD I, personally, love it, so I thought I'd share it with those who didn't see. :) Zana shippers unite! x)

I really hope that this chapter isn't completely poo, by the way guys. I wrote it just today because I realized that if I didn't I'd be late and asdfghjkl... Okay, sorry. I noticed that there's not a lot of Harry in my story so... I thought it'd be nice to add him into this chapter! xD

Alright, so that's it really. I'm really enjoying writing this story, and I love hearing from you all! Thank you so much again! :) <3


            The wind whistles lowly outside, causing the tree near my window to tap obnoxiously against the glass.

            Groaning, I roll over and bury my face in the warm surface of my pillow. Even if the wind did let up a bit, I don’t think I’d be able to sleep.

            All I can think of is Dana and that woman that came the other day, her possibly real mother. So many questions run through my mind. How did she find this house? Why isn’t she like Dana? Was Dana a runaway? How the hell am I going to save myself from this mess? 

            Dana’s Memory Jar is filling with more and more scraps of paper, a bit more frequently than it used to be. I have no idea what the state of her memory is now, but I can tell that it’s improving significantly. She could remember everything that’s happened, anytime from years in the future to tomorrow.

            The other day I spoke to Mum again, and she said her and the rest of the family were thinking about coming out to visit soon. Though it makes my stomach flip with nerves, I suppose it’ll be another test of Dana’s memory, to see is she’s still as clueless as she was when she woke up. 

            The mystery and guilt is tearing me apart inside. I really do hate lying to her, I already feel like she’s my sister, but what am I supposed to do? I can’t back out of this now.

            The mystery surrounding her Memory Jar is so tempting to me, like the ultimate sweet. I want to look inside and gobble up everything she knows, but I know it would be wrong and just make me guilty in the future. The only question now is if it’ll turn into a smoke, something that I know will inevitably cause massive trouble, but I still can’t stop anyways. 

             Don’t do it, Zayn. 

          Sighing, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and sit up. I can’t just stay here, thinking about this in the dark. I have to act, it’s the only way to truly know and ease my mind a bit.

             Standing, I stretch my stiff muscles and pad quietly out of my room and down the hall, past the other boys’ rooms, to Dana’s at the end.

            I can’t believe I’m about to do this. I’m going to invade her privacy in the ultimate way, reading her memories. Her Memory Jar is like Dumbledore’s Pensive, it holds everything she knows from her life, and should be one hundred percent private. 

         Even Emma said that she shouldn’t have to share these memories with anyone unless she chooses to. And she already trusted me with one, why do I have to mess everything up and take advantage of that?

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