Chapter 4

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I woke up with Alpha still sleeping in my chest smiling down at her cute and peaceful form, i slowly moved away from her but a whine stopped me from doing so she was trying to keep me here as she was too comfortable to move, i looked at her again 'Maybe i should stay here until she wakes up' i thought gently petting her back with a content sigh leaving her we stayed like until she was ready an hour passed and she was starting to wake up her eyes looked at mine she was happy to see me there for her ''Morning Alpha how did you sleep?'' i asked, she just smiled and cuddled into my chest ''Good i'm still a little down from what happened but with you here supporting me, makes me grateful to have such a good soldier to look after me'' i scratched her head getting an approving growl ''I'll be here would you like me to make breakfast and if so what would you like my dear Alpha'' she giggled at my mannerism ''Well if your offering i would like some yogurt with fruit my dear Silver'' chuckling from her reply i stood up and went to the kitchen taking out the yogurt with an apple, blueberries, kiwi and some mango placing the fruit in the counter i took out a sharp knife cutting the fruit into a bowl where the yogurt was in, the process was quick with the bowl now done i went to the coffee machine and made two setting them in the table with those set i went back to make me some toast with butter and honey, Alpha walked in giving me a hug, a chuckle leaving my mouth ''The food is ready my lady'' i said with a goofy smile making her laugh, Alex let me go giving me a kiss in the cheek before going to the table ''Thank you Silver ill get ready after eating'' i nodded and sat down by her side eating in a comfortable silence enjoying our food. When i was done i took my plates to the sink and went to the bathroom to change into my combat gear as it was the only thing i had, walking out of the bathroom i saw Alpha walking passed me, i grabbed her from the back getting a yelp filled with surprise as i kissed the top of her head and rubbed her belly making her melt into it ''Silver warn me next time'' she said with an amused smile ''Don't blame me Alpha my sneaky surprise made you a lot happier then before so i consider it a job well done'' she sighed ''Thanks i appreciate it oh and today the new recruits will be doing their tests'' i nodded and let her go so she could change, once she was done we walked out of the apartment and moved towards the base, i placed my mask back on with my helmet at hand ''Why do you have the mask back on?'' she asked ''Sorry Alpha its an old habit ill take it off when were there'' she nodded as we walked inside i saw everyone looking at Alpha saluting ''Morning everyone you may relax and keep going with what you must if you need anything go to my office ill be there shortly'' they all nodded and went back to work, Blue came over to me hugging me ''Where were you yesterday you promised me another hug'' she whined ''Sorry Blue but Alpha had an exhausting day so i decided to take her home and cook her diner the rest is up to Alpha to tell you'' i saw in the corner of my eyes that Alpha was little down from the lack of attention i let go of Blue and wrapped my arms around her, she started crying into my chest ''Why did he have to that Silver *sob* WHY?!'' she cried harder 'i have to do something to cheer her up' cupping her cheeks making her look at me with teary eyes i cleaned the tears away and placed my forehead on hers ''Alpha that monster wont bother you anymore remember our deal'' i said caressing her cheeks making her whine and nod her head ''If you need anything ill be there'' i said softly ''If you ever need me or just want to talk you know where to find me'' i said with a warm smile she closed her eyes enjoying the moment a couple of seconds later she opened them again hugging me tightly ''Thank you Silver i don't know what came over me'' i looked at her eyes seeing that she was a little ashamed of herself ''Hey don't hit yourself for being sad Alpha its normal to be this way especially when something like that happens, all you have to do is give yourself time and push on'' a smile appeared on her muzzle meaning that she understood ''What happened yesterday Silver?'' Blue asked me ''Again i told you most of it, its up to Alpha to tell you if she wishes'' i stated ''Come to my office and ill tell you but if you tell this to anyone else i will be very upset, your my best soldier and a good friend i hope you can keep this to yourself'' Alpha said with authority, Blue nodded and started walking towards her office Alpha took my hand and led us there 'i guess she wanted some more comfort as long as it helps ill be happy to comply' when we entered Alpha sat down in her desk and explained what had happened to her, Blue was shocked with the news but also happy that Silver helped her when she needed it, she was also a little jealous of her boss for having Silver's attention and comfort Blue wanted some too but decided not to show it as Alpha wasn't at her best ''Silver the tests will be in an hour would you mind accompanying me'' i was asked part of me didn't mind but something told me that Linda might be someone he doesn't wish to know as i still blame myself for her death ''Yes ill go Alpha but i will not speak to any of them i hope that's ok'' she was curious but nodded instead of asking the hour went by with some paper work with me giving some opinions, Blue helped us as well as she wanted to help Alpha, we talked and that small amount of time was great and relaxing, she came over to us tapping me in the shoulder ''Time to go you two we have to see how they will perform in our tests'' we both stood up and followed her into the training room where the Rookies would have to show their A game most of the Rookies did well in everything and we were now at the last test the four were on the mat ready to fight their opponent ''Silver i want you to fight all of them'' i was a surprised ''Alpha are you sure'' she nodded 'i hate this it doesn't feel right especially when Linda is literally my partner but shes dead, just get it over with so you don't have to look at her' i sighed and walked in getting some weird looks as i wasn't a fur like them ''This will be your opponent good luck'' the males laughed making me smirk under my mask, looking around the four Rookies waiting for the signal to start ''The test begins now!'' Alpha stated Aubrey and Yang rushed me from the front wile Fisher went from the back, i turned my back to the two wolves catching Fisher mid leap and throwing him against Aubrey kicking Yang in the stomach she caught herself before falling going for a right hook that i dodged countering with a gut punch i was going to throw her away from the mat but Fisher got me in a arm lock making me vulnerable, 'Finally a good challenge' i might have my arms locked but i still have my legs i crouched down and jump up falling on my back making my right arm dislocate, at least i was free and Fisher was out. I looked at my arm popping it back in place with a grunt Yang was shocked making me laugh ''How can you just do that without even flinching?!'' Yang said i walked over to her ''hit me'' i said she looked at me and punched me hard in the gut fear over took her as i didn't even move from my spot ''Not bad Yang you have strength now all you need is where to hit the rest spot on'' with that said i hit her once in the neck making her pass out 'two down two to go' Aubrey came up to me with a growl we traded punches and kicks he was even using his sharp claws but hes weakness was his stamina as he missed his last punch i swiped my legs under him making him fall down and hitting him in chest making him tap out now my worst opponent Linda 'i really don't want to do this' getting in my fighting stance as did she, the fight picked up pace with each punch and dodge, the fight itself was great but pictures of my old partner kept coming to my head and i think she noticed as she was pushing harder, we were getting into a point where i was just defending she threw a left punch that i caught, when i looked into her eyes i was so emotionally hurt that i threw her to the ground and walked out she stood up curious ''Why are you leaving i'm not done yet!'' she said flatly.

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