Chapter 8

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Inside the base two months later the team was now a lot better with team work and understanding each other better with each training session that got harder and harder, making everyone give it their all we also did a couple of missions together passing them all with ease getting praise from other teams, getting a better reputation between black ops teams.

Strange thing was that Linda has been down its like she wants to let something out but doesn't, i'm worried as she avoids the subject but today i was going to sit down with her and get her to talk about her problem or problems. I went over to her room, she was watching TV ''Hey what are you doing here?'' she asked looking away from the show ''Linda we have to talk there is something bothering you and i want to help you fix it'' she looked back to the show ''I don't know what your talking about'' Linda avoided once again, i sighed going over to the TV turning it off, getting a protest from her ''Linda you don't want to get hurt i know you very well as i spent most of my life with you, you can trust me, is it because of not being able to find a mate, because you will find one....'' i was cut off by her ''NO!! I found him i have the pull towards him'' she said putting her hands in her mouth ''Then why are you not with him?'' i asked confused at her behaviour ''I-I don't want to talk about'' Linda said in a sad tone burying her face in her pillow, i came closer caressing the top of her head a couple of whines being heard ''Linda i hate seeing you like this please tell me'' she got up trying to leave the room but i stood up blocking the door ''Let me out Silver'' she growled/whined ''Not until i see you happy again'' she looked at me ''Silver move now!'' she said hitting my chest hard but i stayed letting her takeout her frustration wrapping my arms around her pulling her close to me, she was now fully crying ''Why must you bee so pushy, so demanding why can't you let me go don't you see that if i tell him i will be rejected''Linda cried harder, i lifted her chin making her look into my silver eyes ''If he rejects you, he is losing one of the best she wolves i've ever met and you have me, Blue and Alex as a family that will be here to support you besides you will never know if you don't try'' her tears coming down to my hand that was caressing her chin ''What have i ever done to deserve you'' Linda closed her eyes recollecting herself ''S-Silver i have a... a pull towards you'' my heart swelled with joy and confusion 'how do i have three mates this is not normal' i thought but on the other hand i do love Linda and i wouldn't be able to live without her or my two other beautiful mates, i leaned down pressing my forehead and noses together making her gasp ''D-Does this mean that you accept me'' i gave her a genuine smile kissing her passionately, we gasped for air looking into each others eyes ''Yes Linda i accept you as my mate'' Linda yelped in joy kissing me again, ''I'll tell the other two angels the news she nodded shyly taking my hand as we walked out ''Alex, Ulva we need to talk'' both came in with smiles on their faces ''What is it Love?'' Alex asked ''I have a new mate'' i announced both of them looked at me with smiles ''We know its Linda isn't it'' my mouth dropped at how calm they were ''I... I thought it would be a lot worse'' making them all giggle ''Oh my sweet Silver we all knew this would happen besides it was kinda of obvious when we both got to be you mates, it was just a matter of time'' Blue said licking my nose i smiled knowing that from now on everyone would be happy i walked into my room ''Moon Goddess we have to talk either come to me or make me appear in front of you please this is important'' in an instant a bright light engulfed me once i opened my eyes i saw her there with a smile on her face i walked over to the Moon Goddess wrapping my arms around her waist making her gasp in surprise ''S-Silver what are you doing?'' she asked flustered ''I would like to know why my queen gave me three mates'' she shook away her shock wrapping her arms around my neck ''Because they complete you my dear Silver'' i nodded ''Yes i agree but there is one slight problem how am i going to please them in bed when they are three?'' the Moon Goddess was now blushing from my question ''I already took care of that'' i growled teasingly making her shudder ''Naughty Moon what did you do?'' her hands were roaming my chest ''Lets just say that i might have experimented'' she came back teasingly ''Oh come on whiteout me?'' making her laugh, ''I'll keep it in mind next time'' a thought came through my mind as she leaned into my embrace ''Do we have a special connection?'' she nodded in my chest ''Yes we do, you're past life was my mate'' this revelation shocked me making me smile ''This life keeps getting better and better'' she sighed contently ''I missed this a lot'' she said looking into my eyes with a warm smile, instincts took over as i pressed my nose to hers, Moon whined softly ''Moon Goddess i'll make you a promise once I die let me stay by your side so that you won't feel lonely, i want to be there to help you'' her eyes sparkled with joy and love giving me a kiss ''I can't wait but enjoy your life to the fullest and i know i'm being selfish but i just want to stay like this forever'' i chuckled at her cuteness ''Don't be my godly mate i understand'' i said tracing my fingers through her back gently, ''Thank you Silver I'll be sending you back now'' she said nuzzling into my neck, i returned the affection giving her another kis''I see thank you my queen you may send me back ill be ready if you ever need me for anything'' with that said she nodded kissing the top of my head, when i opened my eyes back up i was in my room felling extremely happy to be able to give so much to all my beautiful Angels.

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