Prologue~Looks Like A Superpowered Sitcom (Part 1)

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In a clothing donation box, a hooded figure is rifling through the clothes. Edgar Owens. He picks up articles of clothing and inspects them, if it's not to his liking, Edgar puts it back in the cardboard box and continues his search.

"What's the matter bird boy? We're too much to handle without Batman?" A scratchy voice taunts.

Edgar pauses his searching and lifts his head, sniffing the air.

Metal, sweat, blood, narcotics...

Curious, Edgar Owens stands and pads silently to where the kerfuffle is occurring. It's down the street from the Salvation Army thrift store Edgar was at. Gold eyes widen when he sees a colorful clad boy fighting off a large group of Jump City's local drug dealers. Edgar recognizes the boy as Robin from Gotham. Blood trails down from the corner of Robin's lips.

Discarded money and drugs fills Edgar in on what must've happened. Robin came upon a dealing and tried to bust them, too many back up showed up and overwhelmed the teen hero and now... Edgar grins maliciously.

"Well, aren't you rude? Having a party and not inviting me... what a bunch of assholes." Edgar calls mockingly, stepping closer. One of the dealers stops and turns to address Edgar.

"Who the hell are you?" He spits and Edgar chuckles darkly, removing his hood to reveal a red face and horns. Well, one and a half horns.

"A party crasher." Edgar replies.

"Get lost freak." The thug calls and Edgar's large grin falls into a scowl.

"The fuck you just call me?" Edgar growls, flames forming in his upturned palms. The smug look on the thug's face changes into fear.

"Shit!" He hisses and starts running. His retreat gets everyone else to finally pay attention to the newcomer and once they see the fire, they start running too. Edgar laughs maniacally as he throws the fire at them like baseballs. He hits the cash and drugs, igniting them and causing a large fire to form in the alley. It illuminates Edgar's face in a terrifying way as Edgar's glowing gold irises appear to be made of pure light.

"BURN FUCKERS!!! I'LL ROAST YOUR LILLYWHITE ASSES! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Edgar roars over the crackling flames. Edgar starts to lose control, burning the brick walls nearby. Fire trails up his arms, burning the hoodie Edgar is wearing.

"They're gone!" Robin shouts, standing in Edgar's line of sight. "Hey!" Robin waves his arms to get Edgar's attention. Gold eyes focus on the brightly clad teen hero and the fire slowly disappears as Edgar calms down. "You okay?" Robin asks, noticing Edgar's hazy state.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah, I'm uh... I'm good... now. Um, thanks." Edgar stammers, embarrassed about losing control. "Did they get away?" Edgar asks. Robin shakes his head.

"I instructed the cops to form a barricade while I lured them that way." Robin replies, wiping the blood off his mouth with a green gloved hand. Edgar is relieved that he wasn't the cause of any damage to the hero. He couldn't say the same about the scorch marks in the alley.

"Sorry about going insane like that... kinda hot-tempered." Edgar laments, shrugging off his hoodie to reveal a thin spade tipped red tail. He had it tucked into the back of his hoodie and now it was moving around freely. Robin smiles when he sees the red pointy ears droop a little.

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