Chapter 1~Split Decisions (Part 2)

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Edgar (or Pyro as the City have dubbed him) and Robin rush into the ops center where they find the others staring at the map of Jump City projected on the window/screen, with a large flashing dot that slowly moves along.

"Cinderblock strikes again?" Robin inquires, looking almost hopeful.

"You wish," Beast Boy replies with a shake of his head.

"What are we waiting for, Christmas? Let's get a move on!" Pyro exclaims, grinning widely in excitement at the prospect of a fight. He then notices Robin smiling at him. "What?" The Boy Wonder holds up a clothe's hanger with a mostly black garment that has dark blue accents.

"You should suit up." Robin states, grinning ear to ear. Pyro's eyes widen, the cat-like pupils widening slightly as he stares at the costume in shock. He points at it.

"You mean?" He whispers, his question hanging in the air. Robin shoves it into the red skinned teen's arms and pushes him to the side.

"We'll go on ahead, Raven will wait for you to give you a lift but hurry up." Robin instructs before the others rush out the door of the common area.

Pyro quickly takes off his usual attire before redressing in the sleeveless black and blue shorts onesuit. It has fishnet as sleeves; the right arm blue and the left arm black. The fishnet ends in different colored fingerless leather gloves and the suit seems to be made of a tear resistant fabric that must also be fire proof since it was made by Robin for Pyro's abilities. There's a hole in the back for his tail which slips through fairly easily. He doesnt bother looking at himself in a mirror and instead rushes out of the tower until he's at the shore where Raven is patiently waiting for him. She flies while carrying him on a black disc of her energy.

The (incomplete) Teen Titans have made their way to a chemical factory where a reddish-pink blob monster is guzzling down neon green liquid from barrels and growing in size with each barrel. Pyro tilts his head, his tail swishing with curiosity as he wonders if the chemicals taste good. The third barrel is hit with a green blast curtesy of Starfire before the thing can finish it; the remaining chemicals spill out the broken end, and it lifts the barrel to its eye to peer through it. Pyro is just going to refer to him as Goopy.

"That stuff can't be good for you." Robin quips, putting on his, what Pyro likes to call, 'I'm a very serious leader, grrr' face. Goopy tosses the barrel aside and belches. Both red skinned and green skinned teens chuckle with large grins.

"Nice one!" Beast Boy praises while the fire user says "Awesome!" Goopy roars and shoots gobblets of sludge from his body toward the heroes, who scatter to avoid being hit. Robin jumps and flips like mad, just barely staying ahead of the barrage, and lands on a crate near a mixing tank. The red skinned male with one and a half horns flips as well, his animal-like instincts making him look like a monkey with his movements. He ends up hanging upside down by his tail from a steel support beam above.

"Was that necessary? Who knows where you've been or what you're made of." He complains, scrunching his nose in disgust as he hangs from his tail like a monkey. He plants the bottom of his knee high to the steel and stares down at Goopy.

"Pyro, quit messing around!" Robin orders before turning to Starfire. "Star! Let him have it!" She obliges with a green blast to the creature's chest, creating a large gaping hole.

The alien female gasps in horror. "Did I let him have too much?" Goopy tales a deep breath and refills the hole.

"Not enough!" Pyro calls to her. With its hand balled into a fist, its gooey arm extends towards Starfire to try and strike her. She shrieks but before she can get hit, the red skinned teen tackles her out of the way. Robin pulls a disc from his belt and aims it at Goopy.

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