Chapter 1~Split Decisions (Part 1)

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Smoke pours from behind the outer wall and the shattered front entrance of a prison, as well as from a spot on the bridge that leads to the complex. Sirens blare and prison guards run around to get everything under control, some yelling orders and others doing exactly what protocol has taught them to. The cause of the destruction and panic has already bashed a large hole through the wall of the cellblock and is on the way in. This creature is at least ten feet tall, very blocky, and appears to be built entirely of concrete.

"You know, Cinderblock, normally, the bad guys break out of jail." Beast Boy quips as he and the rest of the Teen Titans arrive. Except for one red skinned devil looking teen.

"And I can think of six good reasons why you don't want to break in." Robin quips. Robin dramatically leaps across the floor and lands in a crouch. "One!"

Starfire swoops and lands, looking sidelong from over her shoulder. "Two." She chirps.

Beast Boy, as a tiger, lunges in. When he comes down, he has taken human form except for his head and one arm; he quickly restores these as well. "Three!" His voice cracks slightly but he doesn't seem to care.

Next, Raven drops in and gets ready to cast a spell. "Four..." Her voice is low and hesitant, as if embarrassed to be apart of the cheesy intro.

Cyborg jumps in, "Five!" He boasts. There's a small stretch of silence as the teens wait for their final comrade. There's a low growl before Edgar leaps down with flame covered fists.

"SIX MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Edgar roars with glee, landing on Cinderblock's shoulder and bashing the block giant over the head with fists. Cinderblock starts to struggle to get the crazy teen off his head. His actions are similar to Ross Geller trying and failing to get the cat off his shoulders.

"Titans! Go!" Robin orders. Beast Boy becomes a falcon to fly behind Raven and Starfire. Yelling, the five heroes charge the giant. Cinderblock finally manages to grab Edgar by the tail and swings the male by it, chucking him at the flyers. Edgar crashes into Raven, sending them into a sprawled mess on the ground with the girl splayed across Edgar's chest. They groan.

Robin lands a solid kick that staggers the foe. Cinderblock turns around just in time to catch a double dose of starbolts in the back, courtesy of Starfire. Followed by Cyborg who aims a right hook; even though Cinderblock stops it, he is still driven back by the impact. Raven and Edgar get up, shaking off the pain before rushing over to be apart of the fight. Beast Boy dives in and rakes his talons across the concrete body time after time, forcing Cinderblock to run to another corner. Raven puts herself in his path and levitates a section of the floor, tilting it up until it stands vertical. She rises out of the way an instant before he crashes through this improvised barrier, then flies away as Robin, Cyborg, Edgar, and Starfire rush him. One giant backhand leaves only Starfire and Edgar still in motion; the other two have been knocked away. She throws a couple of starbolts while Edgar shoots fire, but they are then grabbed by two enormous hands and pulled in with a little gasp for a face-to-face look at Cinderblock.

A smile comes over Starfire's face while Edgar smirks knowingly. "I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am stronger than I look." Starfire proves her point by breaking his hold and delivering a high kick that drives him back against the wall and makes him release Edgar. Said red skinned teen holds a hand up for Starfire who gives him a high five. Beast Boy taught her that. Speaking of Beast Boy, he shifts into a tyrannosaurus rex and charges Cinderblock who simply backhands the prehistoric beast and sends him flying towards Edgar. Gold irises widen comically as the large shadow of the dinosaur looms over the red being.

"Aw crud." Edgar whispers before Beast Boy-luckily changing into his more human form last minute-drops on him like a ton of bricks. Edgar shoves Beast Boy off of him and glares at his green skinned teammate. Beast Boy smiles sheepishly at Edgar.

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