Chapter one. The meeting

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(Bakugou's House)
Bakugou had just woke up and checked his phone. He had two messages on messenger, a friend request and 4 Instagram dm's. Bakugou looked at the friend request first. It read "The Red Riot, has sent you a friend request."
"Who the hell is the red riot?" He asked before he accepted the request then getting out of bed. He left his phone on the bed while he went into the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth.

(Kirishima's House)
Kirishima woke up when he suddenly hears his phone go off. He sat up and looked at the time.
"Ugh it's almost noon." He said in a groggy voice still very tired. He checked his notifications and seen that his friend request was accepted. So he decided to snoop around on the account a little before getting up to shower and brush his teeth.

(Jesse's House)
Jesse has been up for the past 3 hours. She has already showered and brushed her teeth. Jesse is waiting for her two best friends to text her back.
"Ugh Bakugou, Kirishima wake up already I'm bored!" She exclaimed bored and decided to call her sister to see if she was awake, but she got no reply. So she decided to send a group message.
"Yo who wants to hang out today?" Is the text she had sent.
Kirishima replied before getting in the shower, "I'm down let me shower and get ready I'll meet you at the park in about an hour"
Bakugou got out the shower, dried off then got dressed. He went back into his room and checked his phone again.
"I'm down I'll meet you soon got to finish getting ready I just got out the shower. And yo you know that red riot dude?" He replied
"Okay, I'll meet you both in an hour at the park. And Bakugou be nice his name is Kirishima"
-1 hour later-
They all met at the park and Kirishima was a bit nervous since Bakugou didn't seem to like him much. Jesse reassured kiri that Baku is just a bit testy. But what Jess didn't know was that Baku planned on being a huge bully to Kiri.
"So where do you guys wanna hang?" Asked Jesse in her happy and calm voice.
"Anywhere is fine by me as long as he isn't going" said Bakugou harshly.
"I'm sorry I'll go" said Kirishima innocently.
"No he stays you both stay. How about we go get ice cream then go to the arcade?" Suggested Jesse calmly
"Sure why not" said Kirishima and Bakugou agreeing.

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