Chapter Five~ The Hospital

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(Todoroki's Pov)
I went looking for bakugo. And I couldn't find him. So I text my boyfriend Midoriya to see if he knew anything about this Bakugo guy.
Todoroki: hey babe do you know anyone by the name of Bakugo?
Midoriya: I only know a boy from my childhood and high school names Bakugo, Katsuki. Why, what's up?
Todoroki: I don't think that's the guy I'm looking for. I'll hit up Denki maybe he'll know something.
Midoriya: okay, don't be out to late.
That wasn't much help but I'll try Denki maybe he will know something.
Todoroki: hey do you know anyone names Bakugo or Kirishima?
Denki: Yeah they were in class 1-A with us back at UA.
Todoroki: Oh shit your right. Thanks I have to go.
Denki: no problem.
Well now that I know the bakugo I'm looking for is Bakugo, Katsuki. I think I'll start by messaging a girl that I've always seen hanging around him in his post on Instagram. Or I could always message my friend bree maybe she will know where to find bakugo. As I was about to message her I found him.

(Bakugo's Pov)
I can't believe this half and half bastard found me. Like honestly I thought I could have gotten out of this without a lecture. Well here goes nothing.
"What do you want you half and half bastard?" I said bashfully.
"To know why you hurt that boy kirishima" he replied calmly
"I don't know what your talking about now move " I replied cockily and shoved past him. He froze my feet to the ground. I remember him now it's that bastard Todoroki, Shouto.
"What do you want todoroki" I said in a growl.
"To know why you hurt Kirishima, Bakugo" he replied in a question.
"That's true. But I'm not sure Jesse and Bree would like to hear about this bakugo." He said. I knew that damn shitty hair looked familiar but I don't care.

(Kirishima's Pov)
I woke up in the hospital. A nurse checking my vitals. She noticed I had woken and she asked me my name.
"K..kirishima.. E..Eijirou.." I stuttered out a reply. She smiled and wrote it down.
"I will be back in a hour Mr.Kirishima. you need rest." She said as she left my room. I don't want rest I want to know what I did to bakugo to make him hate me. Well. I guess only he knows that answer. I won't be bullied by him any more.. I will stand up to him.. I have to.

(Todoroki's Pov)
I realized that bakugo wouldn't talk easily. But I guess if he won't talk I'll just leave. Nothing I can do anyways except tell Jesse. And that's exactly what I'm going to do. I took out my phone and text Jess.
Todorkoi: Hey got a minute?
Jess: Yeah what's up?
Todoroki: Bakugo, put Kirishima in the hospital and he won't tell me why..
Jess: I'm going to the hospital bring him there. I'll meet you.!!
Todoroki: Aight.
Jess: Aight.
I did as she asked and brought bakugo to the hospital and waited for her. Just a few minutes after we arrived so did she. She had appeared to be getting ready for a date when she got the text.
"Bakugo why the hell did you hurt kirishima!?" She said very upset and disappointed.
"I don't need to explain myself!!"  He said. And as he finished that sentence she slapped him across the face with tear filled eyes.
"WHY THE HE'LL DID YOU SLAP ME?!?!" He yelled angrily.
"You need to stop being so rude to people who are trying to care for you." She said while some of her tears silently trickled down her cheeks.
"Jess you should go see kirishima I'll take bakugo home where he can think about his choices" I said so she didn't have to deal with him any longer.
"Thank you" she said wiping her eyes and cheeks.

(Jesse's Pov)
I went into the hospital as bakugo was taken home by todoroki. I was so pissed and disappointed that I just needed to check on kirishima.
"ID and patient name please?" a security guard asked. I gave them kirishimas name and my ID. They let me go to his room. Once I walked in I closed the door and went over to his side. Starting to cry, he noticed my tears and smiled at me.
"Don't cry you didn't do this to me. I'll be okay" he said with his reassuring voice. I walked over and sat at his bed side and held his hand.
"I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have left you and bakugo alone. This is my fault." I continued to cry as I blamed myself. He moved his hand out of mine and wiped my tears. Then he gave me the biggest smile he could showing his shark teeth. That made me smile a little.
"Never blame yourself if it wasn't you who did it." He always said smart things. But this time I didn't listen to him like I would have. I really wish I had stayed with them.

(Kirishima's Pov)
God I hate seeing Jesse cry it's like one of the worse things ever. She isn't ugly when she cries, I just don't like seeing her so sad. Especially over something she didnt do.
"Hey Jess remember that song you and I always sang when one of us was sad?" I asked her.
"Of course I do," she replied sniffling.
"Sing it with me ?" I asked her.
"Always." She replied with a small smile but her tears kept falling. So we sat in my hospital room and sang. I didn't really do any singing she did most of it this time. We sang Sweater Weather, and just as I thought she stopped crying. That song always helps us. I'm just glad my best friend isn't crying anymore. I still haven't figured out what to do about bakugo. I just hope I get out of the hospital soon.

*Time skip a couple of weeks*

Bully turn Boyfriend (Kiribaku fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang