Chapter Ten- The End

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Third person Pov

The boys all argued on who would go first. Of course the manly one spoke up,

"I'll go, bakubro truth or dare." Kirishima spoke with his toothy grin.

"Dare, shitty hair"

"I dare you to be polite." Kirishima giggled a little.

"Tch. Easy."

"Hehe, Blasty is gonna be polite!" Kirishima's grin grew wider than before. If that was even possible.

The blonde male forced a smile to curve the edges of his lips. The green haired male, smiled at the blonde male.

"Y-your turn K-kacchan." Deku spoke excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Truth or Dare Pikachu." Bakugo asked looking at Kaminari.

"Dare." Kaminari answered instantly.

"I dare you to short curcit." Bakugo replied.

"Okay." Kaminari didn't seem phased.

Kaminari put everyone's chargers in his mouth. He activated his quirk and instantly charged their phone's. He soon reached his limit.

"Whey." Kaminari said moving his hands in the oddest way. He was giving two thumbs up.

"Well now he can't take his turn!" Sero exclaimed. The other boys just laughed and continued to play their game.


A couple of years pasted by Bakugo and Kirishima got married adopted 3 kittens and 2 puppies. Shortly after they decided to adopt children. They're family expanded, so did they're hearts. They spent all their time being happy.

Deku and Todoroki started a daycare business. They were afraid to adopt their own kids so they decided to take care of other people's kids. Which came in hand once Kaminari and Jiro got married.

Mina and Sero started their own YouTube channel and became famous.  Jesse and Bree well they did what they did best, starting their own League of Villains for their hero friends to fight. In the end they all had a happy life and sure there are bumps in the road, but they never once gave up. Neither should you, they chased their dreams and made them possible. You can too.

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