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My knuckles gently knocked on Harry's door and I heard him grumble a 'come in' and I opened the door gently.

"Hi." I mumbled as I closed the door behind me.

I know it was very inhospitable of me to leave Louis by himself at my house that he's practically new in, but after that talk with my dad, I knew I had to talk to Harry immediately.

"What? Here to scold me about how I treated your boyfriend?" He scoffed and took a seat in the couch at the foot of his bed then grabbed his Xbox controller.

I took this opportunity to sit next to him and wrap my arms around him. His body tensed up but then relaxed at my touch.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled as he dropped the controller and went in to hug me back.

"Harry, I love you and you will always be my big brother, no matter what." I mumbled before pulling away. "I know this scares you, me not needing you as much as I did before, but I will always love you and there will be times that I will need nothing but to talk to my brother."

"Yeah, it scared me." He muttered as he leaned his head on my shoulder, he obviously struggled as his height was way taller than I am.

"I know. But, I'm growing up and becoming my own self, and you need to accept that. But, no matter what, I will always be your little sister. I will always be here for you and I will always love you."

"I love you too." He murmured. "But the minute he hurts you, I will smash his head against the concrete until his brains come out."

"Oh shush you; you can barely hurt a fly. Remember when we passed that cat that was run over by a car? You cried like a baby and you were already sixteen." I chuckled at him.

"I thought we were forgetting about that? And you're one to talk. You cried too."

"Yes, but that was different because I'm a girl." I chuckled and stood up. "Please give Louis a chance, get to know each other. It would really make me happy if you two would get along, my two most favorite people in the world, getting to know each other."

"I'll try. Can I confess something?"


"I actually knew who he was. I'm a big fan of him, the best player of this generation, I might say. Along with Payne and Malik, even Horan."

"You do know that they're my friends." I giggled which caused his eyes to almost pop out of its socket.


"Yeah, you didn't know Niall when you looked at the picture in my dorm room?" I asked him with a smile.

"Well, I didn't know Niall was Horan's name. I don't particularly stalk them. I just know their last names and Louis' name and face since he was in the UL website for being the MVP of this year's season." He said. "And bloody hell, you're friends with Malik and Payne?"

"Yes, Liam and Zayn, I was with them yesterday."

"I have to meet them, Vee." He said, taking my hands in his. "Please."

"Maybe you will." I laughed, retrieving my hands. "But you have to promise me to give my boyfriend a chance."

"Will it be too weird if I ask for a picture with Louis? And maybe an autograph too?"

"Harry!" I shrieked while laughing. I exited his room and made my way to the guest room.

Staying in a same room wasn't a big deal for Louis and me, but of course, my parents and my brother especially, didn't have to know that.

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