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"Vee? What are you doing here?" Harry said as he opened the door and pulled me into a hug. "Loucas!"

"Uncle H!" Chance screamed as he jumped on Harry. Harry positioned him on his hip while Chance clung onto him like a koala.

"I'll explain later." I smiled sadly as I went inside, I heard Niall and Harry greeting each other before the door closed and footsteps followed.

"Look who's here!" Harry yelled as he ran towards the kitchen while still carrying Chance.

"Oh my! Chance!" I heard my mum gasp in excitement before I made the grand entrance.

"Hey, mum, dad, Merry Christmas." I grinned as I hugged both of them.

Niall was family now and he was frequently visiting my parents with or without me since his parents are back in Ireland. My family accepts him and he's basically a Styles now.

"It's good to see you, love." My dad said as he kissed my forehead. He let go of me and his attention was stolen by Chance. "My grandson!"

"Nonno." Chance hugged him before we proceeded to eating, excluding me since my appetite was gone due to earlier events.

I excused myself from the table and went to the backyard. The swings Harry and I used to play with was still intact and I found myself sitting in one, just swaying slightly, the cold air nipping on my skin.

"It's about Louis, yeah?" I heard Harry said as he sat down to the swing next to me.

We looked insane, two grown adults, sitting on swings that were made for children.

"It's always about him." I smiled sadly as I looked down my shoes.

"You still love him, don't you?" He said after a while and I looked at him but he was looking at the sky.

"I still do, I never stopped." I admitted as I feel my eyes brimming with tears. "And these last few weeks, I kind of believed he still feels the same."

"What happened?"

"I..." I started as I rubbed my face with both of my hands before letting out a huge puff of air. "He kissed me, the night he knew about Chance. I guess I just over thought about that, you know? I thought he feels the way I do, I thought he loved me too but it was a silly thought."

"What makes you think that? I mean, he kissed you right?"

I looked up to the sky before answering, my voice cracking at the first word.

"Maybe it was just a heat of the moment kind of thing, you know?" Tears were falling down my eyes and my voice was breaking just like my heart. "We never talked about it but he left comments here and there, like he wishes that I care about him not because I was his doctor and I assumed he wanted me to be concerned because I just am, because he wants me to be concerned like as something more."

"Did he tell you he doesn't feel the same?" Harry asked.

"Well, turns out he has a fiancée and it's the same girl I saved him from." I was full on crying now but I wiped it away every second.

"But did he tell you that he doesn't feel the same way?" Harry asked again.

"No but-."

"No buts Vee. You know what I'm getting at." He said and I could feel him staring at me. "You know, you decided for him when you broke up with him, you decided for him when you hid Chance from him and you're deciding for him now as you tell me that he doesn't love you but he didn't he tell you so."

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