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I woke up the sound of pots clanking with each other. I rolled over to check my phone, it displayed 8:02 am.

Wait, there is an intruder in my dorm room.

I hesitantly grabbed a pillow, don't judge it was the closest to me, and tiptoed towards the kitchen.

The intruder was humming to himself and I had to roll my eyes at how stupid the intruder was for being so loud.

I screamed so loud as I saw the intruder shirtless and had to face palm myself after seeing it was just my boyfriend.

"Babe?" He laughed lightly as I throw my pillow back on my bed.

"I thought you were a robber or something." I mumbled as I fixed myself up with a coffee.

"And? You were trying to hit me, the possible robber, with a pillow?" He chuckled.

"Shut up, it's early and I haven't had my coffee yet, my brain isn't functioning." I grumbled.

"Wouldn't be the first time." He shrugged making me scowl at him which he just laughed at.

"Wait, you're cooking?" I gasped playfully just like Liam did when he cooked at their house.

"Now it's your turn to shut up." He playfully rolled his eyes putting a piece of bacon on a plate and serving it in front of me. "Eat up."

"Wait, I have to go brush my teeth."

"What? Eat first!" He stated, looking at me disbelievingly.

"I know you're going to kiss me sooner or later and I won't do that with my morning breath."

"Fine." I took a minute to brush my teeth and when I returned he was humming happily to himself.

"You seem happy, what's up?" I ask as he was grinning down at his plate for no reason.

"Babe you're looking at... wait for it..." He dramatically drummed his fingers on the table. "The football player that will try out for Manchester United later!"

"That is brilliant!" I gasped happily and stood up to hug him. "I am so proud of you!"

"Thank you." He said kissing my cheek. "I got a call from them earlier asking my whereabouts. So I told them I was in Manchester, they said they are holding try outs later at the arena and that they saw me at the championship and wanted me to try out for them!"

"Congratulations!" I exclaimed going in for a kiss. "Now I know that if you're cooking there is some good news that you just received."

He pecked my lips one more time, his arms around my waist.

"Will you come with me?" He asked.


"The arena. The reason why I was playing the way I was on the championship was because you were there. And I know I will get the spot, if you will be there tonight." He mumbled shyly.

"Of course, it's silly you have to ask. I would've gone anyways whether you like it or not." I giggled kissing his cheek. "What time is it?"

"At 6pm."

We went silent for about a minute before our lips collided with each other.

It was a slow gentle kiss; my hands on his chest, his arms snaked around my waist. You could feel the happiness radiating out of him as I moved my lips in sync with his.

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