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"Vee?" Harry knocked as I was drowning in my thoughts as soon as I flopped down my bed.

"Come in." I mumbled, not bothering to get up.

I hear Harry sigh, my body was turned towards the opposite side of the room. I felt the bed dip and Harry slowly put his hand on my upper arm, rubbing it softly.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" Harry asked softly and I just nodded, too afraid to talk in case I break down again. "It doesn't have to be now but I'm always here to listen to you, it's always me and you against the world."

I smiled at his words, even though he can't see me. We didn't say anything for a while, just our normal breaths in the stillness of my room.

I heard him sigh again before the weight of the other side of the bed disappeared followed by the sound of my door closing.

Squeezing my eyes shut to prevent the tears from falling; I finally gained the courage to stand up and decided I didn't want to be alone for the night.

I grabbed my favorite pillow off of my bed and as I did so, I saw my phone and my heart ached at the thought of Louis being worried right now and probably wondering what the hell happened.

I shook my head, not wanting to torture myself anymore and just left my phone in the drawer of my nightstand and slowly crept to Harry's room.

Knocking was the best option since I didn't want to see things I'm not supposed to see. Believe me, I walked in on Harry doing that a couple of times now and I have been scarred for life.

The door swung open and Harry stood there shirtless with just basketball shorts adorning his body.

"Can I sleep with you?" I asked softly, my emotions were whirring through my whole body and soul right now causing me to be on edge.

Harry nodded quickly and let me inside his room. Despite that we have only been home just a couple of hours, Harry's room was messy and I mentally smiled at the familiarity.

Harry climbed first, throwing the duvet open for me to crawl in and I laid my head on top of his chest just listening to his heartbeat while his arm was draped over my shoulders.

Being with Harry just made me feel safe, like he'll protect me from all of my problems that's why I found myself letting go and the next thing I knew, I was sobbing uncontrollably.

The guilt of what I did was consuming me and I knew I had to go back to Manchester to deal with all of this.

I sobbed harder, if that was even possible while I hugged Harry for dear life. He kissed my forehead and just wrapped his arms around me tighter, understanding that I was in the right state of mind to talk.

We ended up sleeping that way, my head on Harry's chest, our arms around each other and me drowning in my tears.


"Harry, honey?" I heard my mum say followed by a knock before I heard the door swung open.

"Did you find Vee?" I heard my dad asked.

"Yes, but I don't want to wake her, they're so cute, my twin babies, they're so big now, where did the time go?" My mom gushed and I can imagine her wiping the side of her eyes while my dad puts an arm around her.

My assumptions were correct as I fluttered my eyes open, my parents stood in the doorway in their work attire.

"Good morning." I croaked before sitting up, careful not to wake Harry up. "What's wrong?"

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