Chapter 5

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She turned to me and looked up at my face. I was concentrating on not tipping us over. She smiled at me and opened her mouth to speak.

"Erik, has much changed? Do you roam about the building much? Do you still compose?"

Why yes I thought to myself. I've been working on a new piece about how I've been missing you like crazy. How I've only been able to think of you since you've left.

"Some has changed. I only walk through the building when I'm sure nobody will be here. I was working on my newest composition when I heard you singing. It's called 'For My Flower' if you'd like I'll play some for you..."

I regretted that as soon as I had said it, but the offer was out there. I looked at her and her face lit up.

"If course! Erik, am I your flower?"

My face got hot instantly. I could feel the redness in it.

"Um well, you see..."

I stuttered to answer as we came to the shore. How was I to answer her? I put the weight in the water, climbed out of the boat, and took the lantern from the front of front. I tried not to make eye contact with her. My face was still red, I could feel it. Christine held her hand out and I helped her from small boat. She hopped out and kissed my cheek. Those lips. Those soft lips. I let out a soft sigh and she smiled.

"Erik, you don't have to answer that."

That kiss had boosted my bravado.

"Oh well, erm thank you my flower." I squeezed her hand and led her to my little home. It was as bright as an underground lit by hundreds of candles could be. The walls were stone. The air was cold and wet. Moss grew in some spots. Vases with roses roses filled each area. Their scent filled the air. I turned to her and she wore a gentle smile.

"Welcome back. There have been a few changes." I explained to her.

"I redecorated the room I had given to you, it's much brighter. I even put a mirror in it for you! Of course that was all after you left."

I explained to her gently.

"I was keeping my hopes up and apparently that payed off! My room has most of what yours had, so it's not as dark as it had been."

I smiled and showed her to her new room. The room that had once been dawned with black and red furnishings was now pure white. Pure as an angel. The silk sheets were white, the thin white lace that hung from the walls were white. The candles and the candelabras were white. Even the roses that and vases that held them were white. A handcrafted mirror I had bought from a merchant took up a whole wall. I watched her take in the sight of the new room. She turned to me and smiled.

"Erik! It's so bright and inviting."

She pulled me into the room with her. I smiled and twirled her. We started to dance. I smirked at her, she obviously did not know how to waltz it was the clumsiest waltz I had ever seen. She laughed at the smirk on my face and pulled me towards the large white bed. A my hands grew clammy and my heart started to pound. The sound was audible. We were laying down facing each other. My heart started to pound faster and she started to blush. Was she going to try something? Please not now. I watched her kick off her shoes and scoot closer to me. She put her head in me chest. My body tensed up. Just relax. I told myself over and over. I wrapped my arms around her and pressed my lips against her hair.

Christine, my flower...Where stories live. Discover now