Chapter 1: Save The Date

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"Hey did you get it?' Nat said as she called her best friend Brianna.

"Yeah I got it I love it. I'll have to put it on the fridge so I don't forget." she said 

"Well it's just a save the date card um but I have a question do you think you could be my maid of honor and little Ellie be my flower girl I mean I know she's only 2 but I don't know of anyone else that a girl that's big enough to do it. Sasha's little girl is only 3 months old" Nat said

"It's fine I don't mind." She said 

"So it's a yes for both." Nat said

"Yeah it's fine." she said as she continued to go through her mail.

"Everything ok?'" Nat said 

Brianna wiped tears and said "Well I'm officially divorced just got my papers" as she opened the envelope.

"And what about Ellie?' Nat said 

"Oh um he um signed his rights over to me cause he moved to NY. Me and Jordan were never meant to be it was doomed from the start I tried to make it work for her but I just couldn't take it anymore." she said 

"So are you changing her name?' Nat said

"You am I changing her last name I already did that she's now Elliana Delilah Dawson." she said 

"Well that's good she doesn't need ties to that douchebag anyways." Nat said 

She laughed and said "Yeah thanks for Nat anyways I've gotta go and get supper started for me and her" 

"Alright love you Bri and I miss my best friend we all do it feels weird teaching at the high school and you not with us." Nat said

"I'm sure Barnes doesn't feel the same way that you do Nat but thanks." Brianna said and she hung up.

Nat was sitting on the bleachers and Wanda looked at her and said "Bless her heart it sucks when we are so far away and she doesn't let anyone in." 

"Well who can blame her she's been burned to many times." Sasha said 

Brianna turned on some music and little Ellie came in and said "Mama.." She picked her up and started to dance around with her as "Edge of Seventeen" was playing. Ellie started to giggle as Brianna spun them around. 

Back in GA Nat said "I'm glad that she's going to let her be the flower girl though I can't wait to see them." 

"Can't wait to see who?' Sam said 

"Um well I um" Nat said when she seen Bucky who was married now with a little boy who was barely a year old.

Wanda said "We just got done talking to Brianna her little girl who just turned 2 last week is going to be Nat's flower girl" with a big smile

Bucky looked down and said "Nat you asked her to come to the wedding and asked if her little girl could be in the wedding." 

"I did she's my best friend she's also going to be my maid of honor" Nat said

Steve looked at her and said "I wish you had told me your plan." 

"Why would I not ask her to be my maid of honor I still talk to her and I still go see her with the girls when we have girls weekend granted since having her daughter she's not been up for much of that but she's still my best friend and I am allowed to ask who I want to stand beside me." Nat said

"Because I asked Bucky to my best man." Steve said

"My god Steve they broke up 4 years ago I highly doubt that Bucky here is going to start shit." Nat said 

"I can play nice but I can't answer for her you know how she gets Nat she's a red head and that makes her a little bitchy." he said as he walked off. 

"You use to love her bitch side Buck so don't act like that." Nat said 

Bucky smiled and said "THen you wonder why I married a blonde." 

"Yeah ok whatever you say." Nat said 

The next day Brianna put in for the week of the wedding at work since Nat wanted to have a destination wedding in the Bahamas and asked if her dad could put in for the week so she could have someone to help her with Ellie. 

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