Chapter 4: Rehearsal

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The next morning she was down in the breakfast with her daughter on her hip getting them both something to eat. Noelle was with Bucky as he carried their son she said "So how was last night?'

"It was great I had a lot of fun" he said as they sat down. 

Brianna was feeding Ellie and eating herself at the same time she was letting her dad sleep in. Nat came in sat down with her and said "You doing ok this morning?'

"Yeah.. I"m fine or I will be I just need to get through the rest of this week and go back to North Carolina where I belong Nat I'm sorry." she said

"You are never coming back to GA are you?' Nat said

"No.." she said as she feed Ellie some oatmeal. 

Bucky over heard the conversation and Noelle said "Well atleast she knows where she's not wanted." 

"Noelle don't start anything." Bucky said 

Brianna bit her tongue and Nat said "Good girl" 

"You know what Nat I think me and Ellie here are going to go back upstairs and finish our breakfast upstairs." she said as she picked up Ellie and her bowl of oatmeal and left the lobby.

Later that day was rehearsal and Noelle walked up to Brianna and said "listen you may be the maid of honor but just for the record he is my husband so you keep your hands to yourself." 

"Oh I'm not the one you should be worried about the last time I checked I wasn't the one that cheated he was Noelle we were still together when I found you two in bed." Brianna said

"Ok Noelle honey please just go over here and sit with our son." Bucky said 

Nat said "Brianna come on don't do this."

"Don't do what I didn't do anything she's the one that got in my face and told me to leave him alone. " Brianna said 

Brianna showed Ellie what to do and then they were able to start rehearsal and when it was over she picked up Ellie and didn't even bother to put her arm in his arm and he said "Brianna.."

"No your wife doesn't want me to touch you so I"m just going to do this." she said 

At the dinner she was feeding Ellie while her dad helped her out. Brianna went over to the bar and got herself 3 shots of bourbon and he came up behind her and said "Planning on singing another song." 

"Don't start with me" she said 

"Brianna I." he said but she cut him off and said "By the way here you go seeing as I remembered what you said all those years ago." as she dropped his class ring in his hand.

He looked down and said "Brianna can we please be civil about this?'

"Civil about what exactly about how you married the girl you cheated on me with while I have two ex husbands count Bucky two one of which beat the shit out of me for 6 months and caused me to lose a baby and the other one cheated on me with one of his students and sighed his rights to Ellie over to me cause he would rather fuck a 18 year old then be with me." she said as she did two more shots and walked off 

He closed his eyes and fought back tears and Sam said "Doesn't feel to good does it knowing that you were the first person to break her but knowing that 2 more guys broke her too. One of which put her in the hospital for a week Bucky. I had to listen to Sasha cry for weeks cause after that happened she was scared to death that she was going to lose her." 

Brianna grabbed and Ellie and left the dinner. That night after she got Ellie asleep she told her dad she was going to go for a walk. She put on a pair of joggers and a hoodie and sat down on the beach and cried in her hands. 

Bucky seen her and bit his lip and he said "Honey I'll be back." 

"Ok." as she was feeding their son.

He walked down to the beach and he said "Bri. 

"Just go away you don't care about me either." she said as she wiped tears and got up and walked away. 

"Brianna come on that's not true I never said those words to you." He said as he followed her.

"Why are you out here?' she said

He went to wipe her tears and she flinched and he said "Brianna I have never not once laid a hand on you. 

She tried to relax a little and he said "What happened to you?'

"Well let's see you cheated on me after you swore to me we could make our relationship work long distance then my first husband beat me half to death and then my 2nd husband he was abusive too but atleast he didn't do it while I was pregnant and then well he left me after I found him fucking one of his students and then he didn't want his daughter" she said 

"Brianna.. then why are you still in NC." he said

"Because like your wife said I know where I'm not wanted.." she said 

"Brianna?' he said

"Fine cause I have no reason to come back my dad comes up on the weekends so it's not like I'm missing time with him." she said 

"But you said.." he said

"Yeah I know what I said but that was when I was coming back for you I have no reason to be back in GA the girls come see me all the time we talk through skype all the time." she said 

He looked down and she said "And it's obivous that it's a good thing that I don't." 

He looked at her and he said "But you aren't happy ." 

"I am happy I have the cutest little girl in the world that keeps me happy." she said

"Brianna.." he said

"I hope that you are happy Buck I hope that what ever it was that Noelle did for you that I couldn't do makes you happy." she said as she wiped tears. 

"Brianna I'm sorry that I hurt you. You did make me happy it wasn't because I wasn't happy." he said

"Buck I don't want to re hash this ok you are married now so just go be with her and be happy I'm going to be fine I have my daughter and my dad thats all I need I don't believe in love anymore all that I use to believe in is gone for me" she said as she walked away from him. 

He looked down and whispered "Baby I am sorry." and he went back to his room to find Noelle asleep. 

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