Chapter 6: Back Home

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The next morning family and friends and the wedding party all headed back to the states while Nat and Steve stayed longer for their honeymoon. Bucky seen her on the flight sleeping with Ellie sleeping on her and he looked down and Noelle said "Buck you alright honey?'

"Yeah just tired I"m ready to be home." he said 

When they landed she rode back to Savannah with her dad and then she loaded up her jeep. Bucky pulled in and he said "Are you leaving we just landed." 

"I need to go I have a job." she said 

He stopped her from opening her door and he said "Sweetheart I never meant to hurt you I honestly thought you were blowing me off and that you were done then when you showed up yelling at me when you seen me in my bed with her I realized I messed up I'm sorry"

She looked up at him and said "Your apology isn't going to make me stay here in GA I have no reason to be here. You all are in love and having babies and I have her that's all I need in this world." 

He wiped her stray tear and she flinched "The Brianna Morgan that I remember never gave up so easily and what are you teaching her."

"That true love doesn't exist that it's not all fairy tales and wishing wells." she said 

"But what about your speech about Nat and Steve." he said

"That's their love not mine my love life is over now if you don't mind I'm going back home." she said as she opened the door and left. 

He went home and helped Noelle get their son down for a nap and then they laid down on the couch and he held her as he stared up at the ceiling and his mind went back to that night as he remembered how many times he checked his phone waiting for her to call how many text messages were going unread and how he was to drunk to realize that something was wrong and Noelle started to flirt with him and he was hurt and did something he wouldn't normally do and that was have a drunken hook up. 

Brianna made it back to NC after a few hours and she pulled into her apartment and got her and Ellie inside and they laid down and took a nap after a long flight and long drive. 


*6 months later*

Noelle showed up at Bucky's football practice and she said "Hey um we are pregnant again." 

"Oh.. that's great" he said as he kissed her cheek. 

They all went into the school and she said "Isn't there usually practice going on right now with the girls." 

"They are gone for the weekend." Sam said 

"Oh.. so they all 3 left for the weekend." Noelle said

"Yeah it's Brianna's birthday weekend they always go out of town for her birthday." Clint said 

"Oh." Noelle said 

"I'll meet you at home darlin we have game tape to go over." he said 

"Ok" she said and she kissed him and left. 

Bucky went up to his office and slammed the door and Sam said "Maybe we should of said something else." 

"Yeah.. I wasn't even aware that they were trying for another baby" Steve said 

"Cause we weren't." Bucky said as he opened the door to let them know they could come in so they could get ready for the game the following next weekend. 

That night the girls were at the Karaoke bar they always go to when they are in town and the first song Brianna sang "If I Could Turn Back Time" 

Wanda said "Oh shit.." 

Nat said "It's means nothing she's just been in a mood lately." 

Steve texted Nat to ask how the night was going and she said "Well Brianna is singing If I Could Turn Back Time" 

Steve laughed and said "She must be drunk then." 

"What's so funny Steve" Bucky said 

"Girls are at karaoke and Brianna is singing If I Could Turn Back Time" he said with a laugh. 

Sam started laughing and said "She really loves her 80s music." 

Bucky looked down and said "Well I'm off to go home." as he left his office. 

"Wait she said that she might face time us later you sure you don't want to stay." Steve said 

He said "Sure why not.. " 

About an hour later into them drinking pizza and beer in the football office Nat face timed Steve with Brianna singing "Give Me One Reason" By Tracy Chapman. She was in a black romper with black knee high boots. She started to dance as she was getting into it she had no idea that Nat was face timing the boys. Then during the next round she pulled out her favorite "Good As I Was To You". 

He looked down and said "I know this song cause she basically quoted this song to me when she yelled at me." 

Steve said "You jumped to conclusions that night Bucky you never bothered to think that anything could be wrong." 

"Yeah and looked what it costed me. I broke her she doesn't believe in love or marriage anymore granted the marriage part isn't my fault but love is she married two guys that abused her cause she just didn't care anymore I caused her to lose our baby because I was stupid." he said as he got up and left the office. 

When the girls got back from their weekend trip Steve told Nat that Noelle was pregnant again. Nat said "Well that's good." 

"How was your weekend?' Steve said

"It was fun. we had a lot of fun but she's still not budging on moving back home." Nat said 

Steve said "I don't think she wants to come home Nat she had plans to when they were together but now that they are not together she feels she has no reason to be here." 

"Yeah I know." she said 

That night Nat was talking to Brianna as she was thanking her for a great 25th birthday weekend. Nat said "When I got home Steve said that Noelle and Bucky are expecting their 2nd baby."

"Oh that's great. Tell James I'm happy for them and congratulations." she said 

"I will next time I see him." Nat said 

They talked for another hour and then they went to bed. When Monday morning rolled around Nat seen Bucky talking to Steve in between classes and she walked up to him and said "First off Congratulations from me and Brianna said to tell you that she's happy for you and congratulations on the pregnancy news." 

He said "Tell I said thank you. Did she have a good birthday?'

"Yeah she did I'm glad that Delilah watched Ellie for her so we could go." Nat said 

They all went to teach their classes and did their practices after school. Bucky was still struggling with his guilt that he made a mistake with Brianna. Noelle couldn't tell cause he was able to hide it and still be a loving husband to her which is how she ended up pregnant it wasn't like he was blowing off Noelle. 

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