Chapter 9: Let's Go Back to Bahamas

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They announced their engagement to their friends at the Memorial day cookout they still have. The girls were so excited cause none of them got to be at Bucky's first wedding cause Noelle didn't like them. They also let everyone know that she was pregnant again and Sam said "This feels right now you were the missing piece of the puzzle Brianna." 

"Aww you are so sweet Sam.. maybe next time keep your boy out of trouble." she said as Bucky was standing with one of his hands on her stomach behind her.

"That's mean baby' he said

"What some body should of looked out for you that night." she said 

"I tried but he didn't want to believe me" Nat said 

"Mama he's being mean to me" Ellie came over to her and pulled on her shirt and she pointed to Wanda's little boy Jackson and 'He pulled my hair." 

"She pushed me" Jackson said 

"Ellana Deliah we don't push you got in trouble in daycare the other day for that" Brianna said

"But mama.. he pulled my hair it hurt " she said with a pouty face. 

Brianna squatted down and said "Elliana look at me we don't push you came and tell me or daddy then we will talk to the parent like Aunt Wanda is Jackson's mommy." 

Wanda went over and said "Jackson we play nice or you can go to time out." 

Ellie started to cry and looked up at Bucky with her big green eyes and he said "Listen to mama don't think that cute face is going to break me baby mama gets mean with daddy." 

She crossed her arms and huffed and walked off and Brianna stood up and he said "Oh there's that mama sass." 

"Shut up" she said 

Then a little bit later after they were done eating they heard "Ow stop that hurts" Ellie screaming and they saw Jackson pulling her pigtails and she pushed him and said "That hurts don't pull my hair." 

Brianna sighed and Bucky said "Elliana Delilah Barnes that's enough we don't push" as he picked her up and she started to throw a tantrum and he made her sit down and Clint said "Jackson Lucas Barton we don't pull little girls hair." as he put him in time out as well. 

Alex just sat there with Sasha's little girl Maggie and he started to cry and Bucky said "Aww Alex Im sorry daddy didn't mean to make you think you were in trouble" as he picked him up. 

Nat said "God we really have grown up." 

Brianna started laughing and said "Babies does that to you." as she sat down to feed Amelia. 

That night after the cook out Bucky and Brianna were laying in bed and she was twirling her ring and she said "Baby I've been thinking."

"Mmm is it dirty?' he said 

"James! We just had sex." she said

"OH i know it was amazing what were you thinking baby'" he said

"I want to do what Nat and Steve did for their wedding I want to go back to the Bahama's and get married there" she said 

"Mmm that sounds awesome baby." he said as he kissed her 

She kissed him and said "And I would like to celebrate this decision" 

He smiled and climbed back on top of her and they started to have sex again. Once he was done he rolled off of her and let out breathe and said "Damn my baby is good to me." 

She giggled and said "Mm you are good to me too now this mama is tired." 

She laid on his chest and fell asleep. The next morning they got the contact information they needed from Nat and Steve and started to make plans for their wedding and she had Save The Date cards made and sent them out. 

The girls helped her dress shop she never did a big wedding when she got married the two other times it was courthouse weddings. She stood in front of the mirror in a dress as she bit her lip and Delilah came up behind her big sister and said "This one big sis mom would love this one and so would dad." 

She swallowed hard and Nat said "Brianna breathe he loves you he has loved you since we were in 7th grade Steve wasn't the only boy nervous that night. You have drove that boy crazy for years." 

"Yeah I know I just was thinking about who was going to give me away." she said 

Then she heard a voice say "Just because he's my best friend doesn't mean I can't pull double duty." Steve said 

She smiled and said "Thank you Steve." 

She paid for her dress and let Nat take it for her since she knew that Bucky would try and see it he was never good with surprises. They wanted to get married before the baby came so they got married in August before school started. They flew everyone out to the Bahamas and Steve walked her down the aisle and Bucky swallowed hard and wiped tears and whispered "Damn baby"

 They flew everyone out to the Bahamas and Steve walked her down the aisle and Bucky swallowed hard and wiped tears and whispered "Damn baby"

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They got married and their first dance song was "What's Mine Is Yours " By Kane Brown. "You are finally my wife baby." he whispered as they dance. 

"I know I'm excited I've been waiting for this day since the 7th grade" she said 

They looked over and saw Jackson and Ellie dancing and she said "Baby look.' 

"Aww no no no' he whispered 

"James she's 3 and he's 3 it's not that big of a deal." she said 

"Yeah well it's fine now but when she gets to middle school we are going to homeschool her as well as Amelia and if this one is a girl she's going to be home schooled too no daughter of mine is going to date." he said 

"James Buchanan." she said 

"Mmm I love the way you say my name  baby you are the only person besides my mom that I let call me James" he said as he kissed her. 

"I know I'm special" she said 

They spent a few extra days in the Bahamas for their honeymoon then came back to the states. 

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