Chapter 7: Unexpected Guest

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*8 months later*

Brianna was in the middle of teaching her English class at the high school she taught at when her cellphone rang and she saw that it was her sister. "Just a minute read your books." she said as she stepped out in the hallway.

"Delilah I'm in the middle of teaching what is wrong?' she said

"Dad Brianna we need to go now. He's had a heart attack they called me cause they couldn't get ahold of you." Delilah said

"Oh no.. ok I'm leaving now." she said 

She let the principal know that she had a family emergency and she picked up Ellie drove home in a hurry and packed bags and Delilah met her at her place and got in the car with her. They got on the road and headed to GA. They made it to Savannah and the doctors and said "Are you Delilah and Brianna Dawson." 

"Yes we are." Brianna said 

"Your dad suffered a massive stroke while he was at work we have had to recessitate him several times but he's brain dead. Do either of you know what his wishes was?' The doctor said

They looked at each other and said "No dad never talked about this with us." 

"I um I need to find someone to take Ellie Delilah um call grandma." she said 

Brianna called Nat and said "Nat I need your help." 

"What's wrong?' Nat had it on speaker phone as she was standing in the middle of the gym finishing up dance practice and she said "I I um I need you to watch Ellie dad is oh god dad is in the hospital he had a massive stroke I need you to come get my daughter"

They were all standing there staring at the phone and Nat said "I'll be right there don't worry are you alone or is Delilah with you?'

"Delilah is with me but I need you to get Ellie she can't see me like this please." Brianna said 

"Ok I'm coming." Nat said 

She hung up the phone and she went running to her car and pulled up and hugged her and said "I've got her ok you go do what you need to do." 

Nat put her car seat in her car and diaper bag and took Ellie with her and Brianna found her sister and Delilah said "Grandma said that he wouldn't want this just like mom" 

Brianna started to break and said "Daddy you can't leave us we need you." 

They let the nurse know his wishes and they said their goodbyes and went back to his house and let the family know just like they did when they lost their mom. She sent a text to Nat that she could bring Ellie home to her dad's house. When Nat did she had the girls with her and they hugged her as well as Sam and Clint and Steve. 

The next day her and Delilah went to the funeral home and got that all set up and set out a mass text of when the the funeral was. Nat walked up to the football office when she got it and said "Buck not that I think Noelle would let you considering you just had a new born a month ago but but Brianna's dad funeral is Saturday at 1 I know that's your anniversary but she doesn't know that." 

"Thanks Nat.. um I'll try." he said as he wiped tears. 

"Buck you alright?' she said

"Yeah I just Preston was like a 2nd dad to me after I lost mine. When I started to date her he was so happy and had hoped that we would make it he even told me after we broke up that he had hoped that he would get to see the day that we work it out." he said 

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