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"Wow, the place isn't even finished and it already looks amazing." Jake lets out a low whistle as he speaks and I slowly tilt my head back to meet his green eyes with my own. "I was about to head out and grab some food want anything?" I shake my head at his question before I turn back to the wall and begin to draw on it once more.

"Sure Jake, thanks." Cyril runs his long fingers through his hair, brushing the thick stands out of his face as he speaks only for them to fall back and Jake nods.

"Well, I'll be back soon. Maybe I can get a few extra hands to help us out while I'm out." Cyril snorts at his words as he turns to the front doors making him playfully glare at Cyril before he leaves. Once the door has shut behind him the room falls back into a soft silence with the only sounds being that of the pencil in my hand moving along the wall, the music that Jamie has playing from the next room over, and the loud screams that come from the saw as Issac cuts into a wall just as I had asked him to do.

After Jamie had taken all of the furniture outside he had told any random person he saw on the street that it was all free if they wanted it making it easier and quicker for the three men to get rid of. Now the club is just as empty as when I had first gotten it, one by one the floors had been torn out just to be rebuilt as I had requested them to be, each of the walls had been painted white to help the next layers of paint look better, the bars had been emptied and covered in long sheets of plastic, and each of the stages had been removed along with the lights. After a while Jake had fixed the main lights only to begin fixing the extra lights up around the rooms as I had drawn out in the book, each of the floors had been polished, and each of the walls are now painted and drawn on as I had drawn it all out in my book. All that is left is for Issac to fix the walls, for Jake to finish the lights, I have to paint over my drawings in each room, then we have to furnish each of the rooms how I had planned to and we will be finished.

It does not take long before the front door pulls open with the smell of food filling the air as Jake walks inside closing and locking the door behind him. A low growl fills the room as Ala stands up from beside me and steps behind me. His large side brushes my back as he stands between Jake and I, even without turning to look at him I know that his head is lowered with his ears pinned to it in a daring manner as he stares at Jake as if waiting for him to attack. Instead the man holds his hands in the air as if he is trying to show the large animal that he is not going to harm me, a moment passes yet neither of them move so Cyril does. He lifts himself from where he sits on the floor just to my left and steps around Alas large body to take the food that Jake holds out to him. I watch him nod to the man in thanks before he pats Ala on the head and sits back on the floor beside me. The moment he is back on the floor Jake backs away and walks out of the room to take the rest of the food to both of the other men making Ala relax and sit on the floor once more. "Lily, do you like to play a game with me?" My head tilts as I look at him from beneath my lashes, I can feel my hair shift along my back and over my right shoulder making his silver eyes fall as he takes it in.

"What sort of game?" His plump lips pull into a soft smile as he shrugs. I watch as he opens the bag of food only to pull a box out that he opens taking a piece of the food that rests within to hold out to me.

"One that helps us get to know one another better." He moves the oddly colored food to my lips as he speaks and for a moment all I do is stare at it. Then slowly, I part my lips so he can gently push it into my mouth before the pad of his thumb gently trails over my lip making both of us shiver. "I'll ask you a question and you answer it honestly or say pass and I will ask you a different question. Once you answer you can ask me whatever questions that you may have for me." I stare at him as I chew on the oddly flavored chicken and he watches me as I do so.

"Alright." His lips pull into a soft smile as I answer him but I ignore the weird feeling it sends through me to turn back to the wall in order to finish my drawing.

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