Twenty one

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Cyrils POV

"This doesn't seem very fair to me." Jake's deep voice fills the silence of the air and I lift a brow as I turn my eyes away from the trees before us to take in the frown that rests on his face. "Not only are we up against the ninja Tiger woman but we are also up against one of our Alphas. He automaically has an advantage because of his genes not to mention all of the training Les had put him through." A low sigh leaves his lips just as one of his large hands rake through his messy red hair making the leaves around us shiver at his movements and I frown.

"Well our sneaking around as we are is going to be absolutely worthless either way we go." His hand stops halfway through his hair making a few strands stick up in odd directions as he turns his eyes away from the trees in front of us to look at me with an innocent look in his eyes.

"How so?" A small smile forms on my face at his false innocence and I snort as I shake my head at him.

"Well for the most obvious reasons, not only have we been talking this whole time but every time you move it's as if a tree is being uprooted from the ground." He frowns at my words with pursed lips as if hurt from my words but I ignore him as I look away to stare at the trees before us as if trying to see the beautiful woman that I know is resting on the other side of them.

"What is the not so obvious reason?" He pouts as he speaks and I let out a low sigh as I stare at the tops of the trees as if waiting to see her jumping within them.

"I know for a fact that Lily already knows that we're here." As soon as the words escape my lips his pout is gone and in its place is a look of pure excitement and raw curiosity.

"How do you know that?" For a moment I remain silent as I stare at the trees. Then I let out a low sigh as I take him in from the corner of my eye.

"Well for starters, do you remember that very first conversation that she had with Jamie the first day she had spoken to any of us?" His deep red brows pull together as he thinks it over before his entire body goes still.

"You think that she's able to smell us? There's just over twenty acres of land for our entire class to do this crazy shit on. How would she be able to smell us from that distance?" His deep red brows furrow even more than they had been a moment before as he speaks and I feel his eyes move to my face but I do nothing to look at him.

"Because I know that she isn't that far away from us." He stares at me as if waiting for me to begin my explanation and I let out a low sigh. "Lily is my mate so whenever she's close to me I feel all of these tingles rush down my spine and I know that she's able to feel it just as much as I can. Not only that but everything about me is able to tell her when I am close or not. The moment that we had stepped past those shrubs she had felt me, but not once has she lost contact with my scent not even when they had ran into the trees." For a moment he does nothing more than stare at me as if thinking over my words before he lets out a low sigh.

"I may be loud but you, my poor friend, are a walking fucking beacon." He runs his large hand through his hair as he speaks and I tilt my head in agreement. "I am glad you found your mate man, and even more so that it's Lily. Who knew you would have such a badass as a mate?" His lips pull into a large smile as he speaks and I snort with a shake of my head as I take him in. "So, if she's able to feel that you're already here, then why are we still hiding?" He looks at the trees around us as he speaks before standing up and pushing himself out of the bush we had been hiding in. Before he's able to finish setting his foot on the other side of the bush there's a low growl filling the air and with it a sharp yelp that has both of us growing tense. Issac gives another sharp yelp before I hear a slap like sound and a harsh thud that is quickly replaced by a low whimper.

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