
677 41 14

Gadsden, Alabama
Population: 16
Braylyn's POV

We've only been in the car for about 2 hours and I'm going to completely lose it.

Nakia and the guys would not stop talking.

I was a ticking bomb

"HAHAHA! So Baile Would you rather fart really loudly or poop your pants silently?" She giggles

"Definitely Fart loudly."

"Yeah cause your shits could kill a whole mob of zombies if they catch a whiff." Evan laughs

"They're not that bad! Okay my turn. Braylyn, would you rather fuck me or fuck Evan?"

"I'm not playing."

I could feel all eyes on me.

"Awwww c'mon Braylyn! Play with us." Nakia whines

"Neither." I blurt just so she could shut up

"What!? I'm fine as hell!" Evan defends

They went back to laughing and talking except Christian kept staring at me. I started to feel small as his eyes burned into the side of my face.

I spot a little country White House and quickly pull into the driveway. We are taking the back way because highways are blocked.

"What are we doing?" Baile asks

"I need to meditate before I blow up." I answer then park the car behind the house.

I take out the keys and grab my gun.

"Wait for us." Nakia calls out.

I ignore her and walk up the creaky steps to the back door and open it.

I begin whistling to attract anything or anyone. Nothing came so I step inside.

It was dusty in here so no one must be living here.

I walk into the house more and walk into the tiny kitchen and dining room.


Making my way to the wooden steps and look up them.

As I was about to go up them Christian grabs my wrist and pulls me back so I was behind him.

"I don't need your help nor protection." I say

"It's not up for discussion." He says and walks up the stairs

I huff and follow him.

I whistle as we walk up them and hear a banging on a door. There were 3 doors but the banging sounded from the one on the far left.

Christian and I stand by either side of the door.

We look at each other and already know what to do.

He places his hand on the door nob and counts down in a whisper.

"3...2...1" he turns the knob and pushes the door open.

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