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Safe house
Population: 5

Braylyn's POV

"Braylyn you should let me straighten your hair!" Nakia suggest while making her way to sit beside me.

"No." I answer and go back to sharpening my knives.

"But we have electricity and it'll be soooo pretty! I think Baile will like it on you, I think you guys would be so cute together. He's always looking at you like you're the best looking thing in the world."

Is it bad that I had a strong urge to stab her? Was I really this jealous or did I just want her to shut the fuck up...maybe it was both.

She reaches her hand up to touch my curls and I instinctively grab her wrist and slightly twist it.

"OW OW OW! Let go of me!" She shouts

"Don't you ever in your life touch me ever again." I inform

She nods her head in understanding and I release her wrist. I grab my knives and sharpening kit and get up. I no longer wanted to be near her and I wanted some fresh air to think.

I make my way outside and sit at the table on the porch. The afternoon heat was beginning to warm my skin as I laid my things out on the table.

I couldn't believe last night Christian and I had oral sex. He still wants me but can't get rid of Nakia. Maybe if I made him jealous with Baile...he will finally break up with her.

"Hey beautiful girl." A deep voice interjects my thoughts

I turn to see Baile with a big smile on his face.

"Hey." I quietly state back

"Nakia is in there complaining about how you nearly broke her wrist." He chuckles and finds a seat beside me.

"There is no nearly breaking her wrist. If I was going to do that I would have done it, no hesitation." I roll my eyes

"It seems like you don't like her. Nakia is a sweet girl, you may just need sometime to get used to her personality."

"I don't need time to get used to anyone. You all talk entirely too much and it pisses me off." I sigh

"You know somehow even though you're brutally honest and act like the entire worlds against you. I find you breathtakingly attractive still." I could feel him smiling

"But the real reason I came out here was to ask if you wanted to join us on a quick little adventure." He asks

"Who is us and what's a quick little adventure?"

"Blake, Nakia and I we want to go find some things to keep us entertained in a nearby town."

"I'll pass, I have important things to do." I answer

"What's so important?" He asks

I turn to him and place the knifes blade flat up against his lips.

"Shh." I hush him and he looks with a bit of shock.

I remove the blade from his lips and I smirk.

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