Chapter Seventeen

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"Momma," Henry's tiny little whisper resonates somewhere in the back of my mind, but I'm far too lazy to peel my eyelids apart.

"Henry?" Regina's raspy morning voice cracks through the air, only inspiring me to tighten my arms around her midsection.

"Momma, it's Christmas!" He squeals but still maintains a soft whisper.

My wife chuckles and lifts the comforter, silently requesting for our oldest to join us in bed. I peek through one sleepy eye and watch as Henry scampers up onto our bed, cuddling in close against Regina's chest. I slowly pull out my arm and run my fingers through his messy hair while my lips stretch forward to kiss the back of my wife's head.

"How long do we have to lay here? I think I was really good this year so there should be a lot from Santa!"

Regina and I both lazily chuckle under our breaths and squeeze our son even tighter. "Just a few more minutes kid, your siblings aren't even up yet," I note and squirm even closer into Regina's warm back.

The distinct sounds of little pitter patter fills the air, the rubber footie pajamas sneaking across the plush carpet in the hall.

"Hide," Henry whispers and tosses the comforter over our heads. "Ssshhhh," he dramatically scolds Regina and I as we snicker under the blanket.

"Momma? Mommy?" Sutton calls out and I can just imagine both three year olds lingering in the door, confused on where their mother's whereabouts are.

It doesn't take long before the bed dips near our feet and both girls are climbing onto our bed. Henry squirms like he can hide even further into the bed from his sisters and I have to bury my face in Regina's back to keep from laughing.

Sutton and Harper are all pointy elbows and sharp knees as they climb hazardously on top of our bodies, producing small grunts from Regina and I. "Momma! Mommy!" Sutton squeals as she rips the comforter from our faces. "Henry!"

"Aww man, you found me," he laughs, opening his arms wide so he can hug his little sisters.

Both girls jump on top of their brother and squeeze him impossibly tight. That's the moment a high pitch scream echoes through the morning air.

"Mommy, Noah's up," Sutton sweetly informs me.

"Thank you sweetie," I laugh and toss the blanket off my body.

"Come here my babies," Regina softly coos with open arms, encouraging Harper to cuddle on top of her chest and Sutton to huddle into Regina's other side.

I climb out of bed and take a moment to memorize the way Regina's eyes are peacefully closed with a sappy grin embedded into her lips. Harper is snuggled upon her chest, with Henry tucked into one side and Sutton on the other, all cute and cozy in Christmas pajamas, while Regina runs her fingers through their hair. My heart swells, my body flushes and I'm reminded how madly in love I truly am.

I sigh happily and exit our room to scoop up our infant. "Good morning bud," I whisper, reaching into the crib to gently lift our four month old.

Noah wiggles and whimpers until I cuddle him in close to my chest. He peers up at me, wide eyed and excited while I lean down to kiss his tiny button nose. I rock my baby side to side as I stroll back into my bedroom.

Henry is speaking animatedly about Santa when I crawl back into bed and place Noah upon my chest. Regina's hand reaches out to soothingly rub against Noah's back while I lean my head against her shoulder.

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